javascript - Updating html table with input -
i learning js, html, css, , general web development first time , wanted create simple (or thought) table use keeping track of items have. essentially want make dynamically-sized table can take , save input. i thinking of way make javascript function in order add tags tables input given. have seen personal website developer had input boxes submit button, causes data added in table in html file's table. for instance, if have: <table id="inventory"> <thead> <tr> <th>item name</th> <th>item number</th> <th>item color</th> </tr> </thead> </table> would possible me add <tr class = "boxtype"> <th>boxv1</th> <th>#1111</th> <th>blue</th> </tr> the above block table using javascript , inputs? i tried making addrows method after snooping around web, , created temporary version of table empty when re...