while loop multiplication table python -

okay trying accomplish using while loops , using them efficiently. nested while loops tricky me , hard understand. trying make 10x10 multiplication table header.

so current code is:

firstnumber = int(input("please enter first number: ")) secondnumber = int(input("please enter second number: ")) count = 0 while(count < 1):     print("{:17} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5}"\       .format(firstnumber, firstnumber + 1, firstnumber + 2, firstnumber + 3,\               firstnumber + 4, firstnumber + 5, firstnumber + 6, firstnumber\               + 7, firstnumber + 8, firstnumber + 9))     print("{:5} {:}".format(" ", "-"*65))     count += 1     counter = 0     while(counter < 10):         downsolution = firstnumber * secondnumber         print("{:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5}"\               .format(secondnumber, "|", downsolution,\                   downsolution + secondnumber, downsolution +\                   (secondnumber * 2), downsolution + (secondnumber * 3),\                   downsolution + (secondnumber * 4), downsolution + \                   (secondnumber * 5), downsolution + (secondnumber * 6),\                   downsolution + (secondnumber * 7), downsolution + \                   (secondnumber * 8), downsolution + (secondnumber * 9)))         counter += 1         secondnumber += 1 

which outputs:

            5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14    -----------------------------------------------------------------  5 |        25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    65    70  6 |        30    36    42    48    54    60    66    72    78    84  7 |        35    42    49    56    63    70    77    84    91    98  8 |        40    48    56    64    72    80    88    96   104   112  9 |        45    54    63    72    81    90    99   108   117   126 10 |        50    60    70    80    90   100   110   120   130   140 11 |        55    66    77    88    99   110   121   132   143   154 12 |        60    72    84    96   108   120   132   144   156   168 13 |        65    78    91   104   117   130   143   156   169   182 14 |        70    84    98   112   126   140   154   168   182   196 

which correct apparently didn't correctly. how nest loops more efficiently while loops deal 1 single number @ time instead of ten?

one major problem code posted outer while loop run 1 time. since run while(count < 1), , increment count 1 after run loop once, loop exit when running second time.

while answer print correct multiplication table, kind of breaks spirit of practicing while loops printing 10 numbers manually coded results. smarter way let program count 10 you, instead of listing 10 fields in each row manually fill in, this:

firstnumber  = int(input("please enter first number: ")) secondnumber = int(input("please enter second number: "))  # print twelve spaces in order format columns correctly, don't # place newline after print statement print(" "*12, end="")  # loop through of column header values in first row columncounter = 0 while columncounter < 10:     # print single incremented column value, space separating each     print("{:5}".format(firstnumber + columncounter), end=" ")     columncounter = columncounter + 1  # add newline go next row print("")  # print dashes separating first row rest print("{:5} {:}".format(" ", "-"*65))  # print remainder of rows in table rowcounter = 0 while(rowcounter < 10):     # print left-hand side value     print("{:5} {:5}".format(secondnumber, "|"), end=" ")      downsolution = firstnumber * secondnumber      # loop through values columns row     columncounter = 0     while(columncounter < 10):         print("{:5}".format(downsolution + secondnumber*columncounter), end= " ")         columncounter = columncounter + 1      secondnumber = secondnumber + 1     print("")     rowcounter = rowcounter + 1 


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