SAS where condition exact matching -
thanks feedback guys, have rewrite question make more clear. say, have table: table what trying table list of numbers have matching fp_ndt dates condition, example, want list of numbers, have fp_ndt not null 2014 , 2015 , missing values 2011, 2012 , 2013 (irrelevant of months). condition should number 4. possible table ? ps: if write simple sql select statement , put condition where year(fp_ndt) in (2014,2015) it give me numbers 2 , 3... why not first summarize data? proc sql; create table xx select number , max(year(fp_ndt)=2011) yr2011 , max(year(fp_ndt)=2012) yr2012 , max(year(fp_ndt)=2013) yr2013 , max(year(fp_ndt)=2014) yr2014 , max(year(fp_ndt)=2015) yr2015 table1 group number ; now easy make tests. select * xx yr2014+yr2015=2 , yr2011+yr2012+yr2013=0 ; you use first query sub-query instead of creating physical table.