javascript - Is it possible to detect repaint/reflow in the browser? -
not sure if there solution problem. want know if there way detect when browser actually updates ui.
lets want add class element before run long-running, synchronous block of code, after synchronous function runs, class removed.
el.classlist.add('waiting'); longrunningsynchronoustask(); el.classlist.remove('waiting');
if run code, long running task started, , block ui before class added. tried using mutationobserver
's, , checking element getcomputedstyle
, doesn't work because don't reflect when realtime updates ui.
using worker might best solution (drop long running code in worker , post message when it's complete remove class). isn't option me, due needing support older browsers.
the solution works outside of implementing worker using settimeout
. i'd love know if has run problem , if there way detect repaint/reflow of ui in browser.
see example better illustration of problem.
const el = document.queryselector('.target'); const isred = c => c === 'red' || 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'; let classactuallyapplied = false; let requestid; const longrunningtask = (mil, oncomplete) => { if (classactuallyapplied) { cancelanimationframe(requestid); var start = new date().gettime(); while (new date().gettime() < start + mil); oncomplete(); } else { requestid = requestanimationframe(longrunningtask.bind(null, mil, oncomplete)); } } const observer = new mutationobserver(function(mutations) { classactuallyapplied = mutations .filter(mutation => { return mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributename === 'class' &&'waiting'); }).length > 0; }); const observerconfig = { attributes: true, childlist: false, characterdata: false }; observer.observe(el, observerconfig); el.addeventlistener('click', e => { el.classlist.add('waiting'); longrunningtask(1000 * 5, () => { // el.classlist.remove('waiting'); }); });
.target { height: 100px; width: 100px; background-color: gray; } .waiting { background-color: red; }
<div class="target"> target </div>
i believe requestidlecallback looking for.
in same way adopting requestanimationframe allowed schedule animations , maximize our chances of hitting 60fps, requestidlecallback schedule work when there free time @ end of frame, or when user inactive.
sadly, it's experimental feature , supported in chrome canary only.
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