Can I create a Visual Studio WinGDB project for python running on Linux? -
i need develop python code run remotely on linux machine. installed extension visual studio called wingdb, supposed allow me use visual studio features such breakpoints , smart editing, while code exists , runs on linux machine. in visual studio created new project, , in templates area, chose template: windgb standard projects -> multiplatform executable. created project c++. how tell instead make python project works remotely linux? possible? none of wingdb templates mention particular language. extent of python support unclear wingdb documentation ( , have not answered email. i'm using visual studio 2015 update 2, , wingdb version 4.4.
this answer received wingdb support:
unfortunately not possible, wingdb meant native c/c++ development, not python.
i think these different plugins python development under vs, or if not have use vs necessarily, can try this:
this python ide supports remote development.
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