
Showing posts from August, 2013

c# - Give commands to multiple RDP and wait for result -

i have repetitive task @ end of month give commands multiple remote desktop connections (win7, win server 2008, win server 2012, win 8 ...) , need open of them 1 one task. want somekind of tool log on each , every 1 of them , give commands. here tried : public form1() { initializecomponent(); rdp.server = ""; rdp.username = "rmlabuser2"; imstscnonscriptable secured = (imstscnonscriptable)rdp.getocx(); secured.cleartextpassword = "rmlabuser2"; rdp.connect(); // open cmd.exe , give commands ver , return output message text box // rdp.securedsettings.startprogram = @"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"; } full code : any ideeas? thanks. you can use psexec run commands on remote computer. if need run commands within active session, can create scheduled task on computer needed stuff. scheduled tasks can configured run unde...

reactjs - jQuery Animate works after first click -

i'm trying hook jquery's animate ability bookmark id on site. when click on link, went bookmark id without animation when clicked same link again, animation works. var titlenav = react.createclass({ handlesubmitclick:function() { $('a').click(function() { $('html, body').animate( { scrolltop: $( $.attr(this, 'href') ).offset().top }, 500); return false; }); }, render: function() { return( <div> <ul classname = "nav"> <li classname = "navworkspace" onclick ={this.handlesubmitclick}><a href="#work">work</a></li> </ul> </div> ); } }); i assume way components called since components not wait on each other. there way fix this? note: using react.js render site. the r...

hdfs - Hadoop HA Namenode goes down with the Error: flush failed for required journal (JournalAndStream(mgr=QJM to [< ip >:8485, < ip >:8485, < ip >:8485])) -

hadoop namenode goes down everyday once. fatal namenode.fseditlog ( - **error: flush failed required journal** (journalandstream(mgr=qjm [< ip >:8485, < ip >:8485, < ip >:8485], stream=quorumoutputstream starting @ txid <>)) timed out waiting 20000ms quorum of nodes respond. @ org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.client.asyncloggerset.waitforwritequorum( @ org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.client.quorumoutputstream.flushandsync( @ org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.editlogoutputstream.flush( @ can suggest things need resolving issue? i using vms journal nodes , master nodes. cause issue? from error pasted. appears journal nodes not talk nn in timely manner. going on @ time of event? since mention nodes vms guess overloaded hypervisor or had troubling talking nn jn , zk quorum. ...

c# - Return data from another view Xamarin.iOS -

what i'm trying sounds simple haven't seen example or been able find one. i'm adding view navigation controller following way: viewcontrollers.companiesviewcontroller companiesviewctrl = this.storyboard.instantiateviewcontroller ("companyselectview") viewcontrollers.companiesviewcontroller; this.navigationcontroller.pushviewcontroller(companiesviewctrl, true); it bring view list of companies , need user selects company, i'll store information (i this) return previous view , , maybe run event. can point me in right direction how this? thanks :) the simplest solution add event companiesviewcontroller , raise when user selects company. navigation controller pushed companiesviewctrl can subscribe event , notified when company selected. class companiesviewcontroller { public event action<company> companyselected; public override void rowselected (uitableview tableview, nsindexpath indexpath) { //raise companyselec...

excel - vba Row numbers for filtered rows -

i have code capture row number in filtered table, things , go next visible row. works great first row. sub test() dim rn long dim cell range dim rng range set rng = sheets("fabricatedparts").range("a:a").specialcells(xlcelltypevisible) rn = sheets("fabricatedparts").usedrange.offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).row each cell in rng activesheet .range("b14").value = [parts].cells(rn, [parts[part.]].column) end 'rn = next visible row #???.row next cell end sub when change offset(1, 0) offset(2, 0) still returns row number first visible row(in case 10). looking vba statement return row number next visible row , pass number rn variable. filtered range testing next row number 11, next 165, next 166 etc. thank time. use row number of cell loop. sub test() dim rn long dim cell range dim rng range set rng = sheets("fabricatedp...

java - JavaFX resizable canvas problems -

i've problem what's partially solved, curious (better) solutions.. want canvas fills entire window , resizes if window resized. option 1 (partial solution): according this: , this: how make canvas resizable in javafx? i've created (copied) class: public class resizablecanvas extends canvas { public resizablecanvas() { widthproperty().addlistener(evt -> draw()); heightproperty().addlistener(evt -> draw()); } private void draw() { double width = getwidth(); double height = getheight(); graphicscontext gc = getgraphicscontext2d(); gc.clearrect(0, 0, width, height); gc.setstroke(; gc.strokeline(0, 0, width, height); gc.strokeline(0, height, width, 0); } @override public boolean isresizable() { return true; } @override public double prefwidth(double height)...

Why are Python's arrays slow? -

i expected array.array faster lists, arrays seem unboxed. however, following result: in [1]: import array in [2]: l = list(range(100000000)) in [3]: = array.array('l', range(100000000)) in [4]: %timeit sum(l) 1 loop, best of 3: 667 ms per loop in [5]: %timeit sum(a) 1 loop, best of 3: 1.41 s per loop in [6]: %timeit sum(l) 1 loop, best of 3: 627 ms per loop in [7]: %timeit sum(a) 1 loop, best of 3: 1.39 s per loop what cause of such difference? the storage "unboxed", every time access element python has "box" (embed in regular python object) in order it. example, sum(a) iterates on array, , boxes each integer, 1 @ time, in regular python int object. costs time. in sum(l) , boxing done @ time list created. so, in end, array slower, requires substantially less memory. here's relevant code recent version of python 3, same basic ideas apply cpython implementations since python first released. here's code access lis...

qt - QStyledItemDelegate: how to make checkbox button to change its state on click -

i have delegate mydelegate used qlistwidget . delegate derived qstyleditemdelegate . 1 of goals of mydelegate place checkbox button on each row of listwidget . done within paint() event of mydelegate : void mydelegate::paint(qpainter *painter, const qstyleoptionviewitem &option, const qmodelindex &index) const { qstyleditemdelegate::paint(painter, option, index); // ... drawing other delegate elements qstyleoptionbutton checkbox; // setting checkbox's size , position // draw checkbox qapplication::style()->drawcontrol(qstyle::ce_checkbox, &checkbox, painter); } at first thought checkbox automatically change state on click, since specified qstyle::ce_checkbox . not case. looks have specify checkbox visual behavior manually. data-wise, when user clicks on checkbox, signal emitted , scene data changed. perform action in editorevent() : bool mydelegate::editorevent(qevent *event, qabstractitemmodel *model, const qstyleoptionviewit...

java - Initialize variable with annotations -

i want make own annotation initialize class field. need this: public class myannotationclass{ map<string,string> mymap; public string getvalue(string key) { return mymap.get(key); } } @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) public @interface myannotation { string[] keys default {}; string[] vlaues default {}; } public class myclass implements myinterface { @myannotation(keys={"a","b"},values={"a","b"}) myannotationclass myannotationclass; public myannotationclass getmyannotationclass() { return this.myannotationclass; } } i don't know how initialize variable, or i'm missing. thanks you! edit: i'ts little more complex that. need initialize way. also i'm using play framework we need more information able better. generally speaking, annotations can processed during compilation source code or compiled classes, or can process them @ runtime. see retentio...

swift - OS X Application Pop Up Menu -

i have custom image button. want display custom menu when clicked on it. using settingmenu.popupmenupositioningitem(settingmenu.itematindex(0), atlocation: nsevent.mouselocation(), inview: nil ) i created menu , created outlet it. still not able see menu any suggestions? in appdelegate.swift: let statusitem = nsstatusbar.systemstatusbar().statusitemwithlength(-2) if let button = statusitem.button { button.image = nsimage(named: "buttonimagehere") button.action = selector("actionforclickingbuttonhere:") } func actionforclickingbuttonhere(sender: anyobject) { //present view, show menu list, whatever } if want hide dock icon in info.plist : for full example see this tutorial .

html - CSS layout items with bootstrap -

i trying lay items, in end following (black lines there show made out of 3 blocks): i have tried quite bunch of things. example have tried use panel class 2 right items worked charm; problem icon...i not make div element fill 100% of height , icon aligned top. another problem have encountered was, not figure out how setup grid layout when have more items. in end trying have in row: as can see (i apologize such small picture) have 3 groups of these items in row, have aligned right. when started playing grid system, either not fit 3 elements row (not mentioning vertical alignment of icon), text not fitting properly. any in matter more appreciated. in opinion, example gave in beginning coded differently how have shown towards bottom. you can use "clearfix" or "clear float" remove spacing in between grid items or prevent weird wrapping. in first example, hid other 2 columns can see line have specified in first example. example of grid s...

java - Memory Leak - Writing to files in a loop -

i new android development , i'm having trouble debugging memory leaks. have tried using memory allocation tracking tool on android studio , found this... memory allocation tracking tool using tool pointed majority of memory allocation come line: string datajson = datamapasjsonobject(data).tostring() + "\n"; and one: outputstreamwriter writer = new outputstreamwriter(stream); keep in mind, code ran in loop, approximately once every second. here full code below... pointers appreciated. private void savedata(datamap data) { log.d(tag, "savedata"); if (!isexternalstoragewritable()) { log.d(tag, "external storage not writable"); return; } file directory = environment.getexternalstoragepublicdirectory(environment.directory_documents); directory.mkdirs(); file file = null; if (data.containskey("counts")) { // pretty bad way of doing this.. file = new file(directory, "acc_count_...

Geolocation available without asking user's permission -

of course, it's possible precise html5 geolocation information displays popup in browser , requires user's approval: what geolocation solution available without asking user's permission , based on ip, etc. ?

SOA Suite 11g One way process. How to handle errors in bpel If the service you are consuming is not avaiable ( down for some reason). -

soa suite 11g 1 way process. how handle errors in bpel if service consuming not avaiable ( down reason). idea, other errors need handle. little overview of service. my bpel(2.0) consuming 2 services , person consume service 1 way call , service 1 way well. getting hard time figure out how handle errors. new soa. appreciated. all if external service not available remote fault thrown can fault policy file retry call 3 times @ 5 minute intervals. if fails should go human intervention mechanism once external service in support team can retry service , continue processing. for details on how configure fault policies

java - JerseyTest framework path encoding replaces ? with %3F -

i have failing test, should passing. service works fine, jerseytest junit test failing status 400. using postman or browser, when try url against deployed service: http://localhost:8080/myservice/123?appid=local&userid=jcn i correct result, status 200 , see following in log: info: 4 * server has received request on thread http-nio-8080-exec-5 4 > http://localhost:8080/myservice/123?appid=local&userid=jcn note ? in url, correct. but when try unit test in jeryseytest-extended junit class: @test public void getwithcorrecturlexecuteswithouterror() { string x = target("myservice/123?appid=local&userid=jcn").request().get(string.class); } it fails status 400, , see in log: info: 1 * server has received request on thread grizzly-http-server-0 1 > http://localhost:9998/myservice/123%3fappid=local&userid=jcn note ? has been replaced %3f. i don't understand happening. if try "%3f" url in browser, see same 400 error u...

javascript - How to return data directly to a client who queried via an intermediate server -

i'm trying figure out way of taking shortcut in following process: client side javascript sends xmlhttprequest core.php requests data via file_get_contents() data sent data sent client the process works flawlessly, seems me there optimization potential in way data returned client - passing data via serves no practical purpose. is there way make send data directly client? , if so, information has passed diagram clarification:

osx - Error installing OpenCV: Error 1, 2 -

i attempting install opencv on mac pro (and have succesfully installed on macbook), getting error message when doing sudo make install in directory striving install in. running snow leopard (10.6.8) , have xcode (as macports) installed. question similar 1 (which unanswered of today): trying install opencv using homebrew. error: modules/highgui/cmakefiles/opencv_highgui.dir/all error 2 the following error message: [ 67%] building cxx object modules/ocl/cmakefiles/opencv_ocl.dir/src/error.cpp.o /users/maxweissenbacher/documents/opencv/opencv-2.4.5/modules/ocl/src/error.cpp: in function ‘const char* cv::ocl::getopenclerrorstring(int)’: /users/maxweissenbacher/documents/opencv/opencv-2.4.5/modules/ocl/src/error.cpp:82: error: ‘cl_misaligned_sub_buffer_offset’ not declared in scope /users/maxweissenbacher/documents/opencv/opencv-2.4.5/modules/ocl/src/error.cpp:84: error: ‘cl_exec_status_error_for_events_in_wait_list’ not declared in scope make[2]: *** [modules/ocl/cmakefi...

python - Finding 3rd Lowest Value Without Sort -

so i'm tasked finding third lowest value of given list. code looks like def findminindex(l, startindex): minindex = startindex currindex = minindex + 1 while currindex < len(l): if l[currindex] < l[minindex]: minindex = currindex currindex = currindex + 1 return minindex def thirdsmallest(l): = 0 while < len(l): minindex = findminindex(l, i) l[i], l[minindex] = l[minindex], l[i] = + 1 print(l[2]) thirdsmallest([1, 99, 7, -3, 3, 10, 12]) the list have l should print 3 3rd lowest value, anaconda taking incredibly long time return me. given hint should modify while < len(l): or print function. dont see should do. advice? i don't understand want do, i've find 1 error, leading potential infinite loop: def findminindex(l, startindex): minindex = startindex currindex = minindex + 1 while currindex < len(l): if l[currindex] < l[mininde...

javascript - IE10 - How to display json formatted in response body of network developer tools -

when monitering network traffic (ajax traffic) in developer tools of ie10. tried check request body. though showed me json text inside response body. not formatted in way, 1 straight line. how can show in formatted view? thanks not answer, tend keep window open such things. cursor in field, ctrl + a , ctrl + c , go beautifier window, ctrl + a , ctrl + v , click "beautify javascript or html"... whole keysequence + mouse movements not immediate, pretty quick. use fiddler2 , add json formatter if company allow installation of that.

3d - generating perpendicular normals from 8-point cube -

i think i'm being dumb right can't seem think of nice way this: basically creating load of cubes in directx , using vertexpositioncolor store data. store cubes efficiently i'm storing 8 points per cube. thing though, want normal of each face point away such front face's normal (0, 0, 1) , face's normal (0, 0, -1). my problem working out how efficiently 8-point cubes. know 24-point cube representation seems inefficient memory point-of-view. any ideas how can this? preferably in shader or efficient? thanks you can use indecies save memory, 8x4 floats + 4*6 ints each side, 56*4 bytes instead of 96*4 bytes, can do, unless points shared between cubes.

twitter bootstrap - Rails 3 dynamic form errors in boostrap 3 -

i'm using #403 dynamic forms railcast combined twitter-boostrap-rails 3 , simpleform gems. have custom validations dynamic form. example when 1 field empty use: self.errors.add field, "can't blank" this error can showed iterating on object.errors.full_messages. problem boostrap 3 doesn't add proper css , doen't add text field can't blank under input. can causing issue? i think there problem simple-form picking dynamic inputs because ones not dynamic works!

jQuery document on click tap touchstart not working only (iphone5, iphone6) -

simple jquery on click event not working iphone6: $(document).on('click tap touchstart', 'div', function(e){}); not working, should do? it seems reasonable ensure there's div on page, , has size large enough click or tap, , you've referenced jquery properly. if do, make sure has content or specify size it, adding background visualize size of object if you're unsure of size of div. if include code, or make jsfiddle reproduces problem can narrow down issue.

postgresql - setting up graphQL on OpenShift -

i'm learning how set server on openshift uses node, express, graphql , postgres , need help. when trying set graphql server i've been following , works on local machine: import express 'express'; import graphql 'express-graphql'; import schema './db/gqlschema'; const app = express(); app.use('/graphql', graphql({ schema: schema, pretty: true, graphiql: true })); ... i'm using server.js template provided openshift above changes to: ... = express(); {'/public', express.static(__dirname+'/public'));'/graphql', graphql({ schema: schema, pretty: true, graphiql: true })); }); ... but doesn't work when pushed openshift. 'internal server error' instead of graphiql interface. i'm new this, here guesses might have with: connecting database missing dependencies connecting dat...

Issue storing option value in MySQL using PHP -

this question has answer here: can mix mysql apis in php? 5 answers i trying use post method in order submit contents of form pre-created mysql table. there different input types each part of form including datetime , number , option values , can't figure out problem code. appreciated. hmtl , php below...tia. php code: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "cornwall"; $con=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','cornwall','ibill'); // code creates connection mysql database in phpmyadmin named 'ibill': if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "failed connect mysql: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // connection checked, if fails, echo sent page stating connection error. if($_post['formsubmit'] == "submit...

iOS programming, fetching JSON data -

i have added project swiftyjson.swift file , trying data web. project runs until line trying array json in dictionary. cannot understand problem is, guessing has stupid in beginning learning swift. i trying print in console name of movies url , after manage achieve performance, try summary of movie , put them in tableview. import uikit class firstviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() //grab status code , check if transfer successful == 200 let requesturl: nsurl = nsurl(string: "")! let urlrequest: nsmutableurlrequest = nsmutableurlrequest(url: requesturl) let session = nsurlsession.sharedsession() let task = session.datataskwithrequest(urlrequest) { (data, response, error) -> void in let httpresponse = response as! nshttpurlresponse let statuscode = httpresponse.statuscode ...

cplex python sum constraint -

i started cplex python api , got problem creating linear_constraints model i want that: dvar float+ x[] minimize: sum(i in i) c[i] * x[i] subject to: sum(i in i) x[i] <= constantvalue and problem dont know how make constraint in python api cpx.linear_constraints.add( lin_expr= 1, senses=["l"], rhs=constantvalue, range_values= 2, what want ask u need type in 1) , 2) sum of x[i] table need decision variable. here example: >>> import cplex >>> c = cplex.cplex() >>> c.variables.add(names = ["x1", "x2", "x3"]) >>> c.linear_constraints.add(lin_expr = [cplex.sparsepair(ind = ["x1", "x3"], val = [1.0, -1.0]), cplex.sparsepair(ind = ["x1", "x2"], val = [1.0, 1.0]), cplex.sparsepair(ind = ["x1", "x2", "x3"]...

emr - Can we add\attach security group to Terraform aws_cloudformation_stack resource -

i using terraform provision emr . in order calling resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" , attaching cloudformation template launch emr. working want emr have 22 inbound port open ssh connection. please see reference i can attaching security group . please let me know how can this? you should able handle creating security group via terraform, referencing dependency make sure it's created before cloudformation stack , providing security group id cloudformation template variable.

android - ViewPager view extending Display -

i new android programming. might simple missing. have viewpager within coordinatorlayout along toolbar , tablayout. viewpager view seems extend display, other layout use populate viewpager gets cut off. example xml code < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:theme="@style/themeoverlay.appcompat.dark.actionbar"> < android:id="@+id/toolbar" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="?attr/actionbarsize" ...

c++ - How to extract and count the number of similar-color dots from color image? -

i have bunch of color images have color dots on them. dots similar color color of dots might similar background image cannot extract them. following images can example green dots on ir train image have tried convert color space rgb hsv; applied blur filter on h channel; applied sobel filter on h channel; converted h channel binary image; applied shrinking , count number of dots. result not good. result of train ir image, shown below resulting train image the white dots indicating dots found, not correct. so how extract (find) green dots on color image? thanks! for answer, should know minimum , maximum allowed dot size minimum , maximum allowed pixel color. because these coming in via kinect, color intensities cannot directly matched, within small delta, expect check adjacent pixels "good" values. "edges" in images color intensity varies bunch , see if edges form dots of correct size. play how close pixel colors have to more or less accurate an...

html - Why doesn't percentage padding / margin work on flex items in Firefox? -

i want have square div inside flexbox. use: .outer { display: flex; width: 100%; background: blue; } .inner { width: 50%; background: yellow; padding-bottom: 50%; } <div class="outer"> <div class="inner"> <a>hehe</a> </div> </div> this works fine in chrome. in firefox, parent squeezes 1 line. how solve in firefox? use version 44. you can view code @,css from flexbox specification : authors should avoid using percentages in paddings or margins on flex items entirely, different behavior in different browsers. here's more: 4.2. flex item margins , paddings percentage margins , paddings on flex items can resolved against either: their own axis (left/right percentages resolve against width, top/bottom resolve against height), or, the inline axis (left/right/top/bottom percentages resolve against width)...

c++ - Strange error reading file -

i'm compiling in mingw on windows , using gdb debug application. i'm getting output when trying read file disk: processfile (type=35633, source=0xec4d6c "î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_î_"...) @ main.cpp:5 here read file function: const char* read_file_contents(const char* filename) { string ret = ""; string line; ifstream ifs(filename); if (ifs.is_open()) { while (getline(ifs, line)){ ret += line + '\n'; } } else { std::cout << "failed open file: " << filename << std::endl; } return ret.c_str(); } here main: #include <iostream> #include "fileops.h" void test_func2(const char* test) { std::cout << strlen(test) << std::endl; std::cout << te...

java - Having issues with custom linked list and applying to JTable -

i'm having issues creating jtable using custom table model , custom linked list. i'm hoping there easy changes i'm missing. my main class: import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class studentinterface { public static void main(string[] args){ new studentinterface(); } //create linked list mylinkedlist studentpack = new mylinkedlist(); public studentinterface (){ //create jframe jframe jframe = new jframe("student information interface"); jframe.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); jframe.setsize(400,300); jframe.setvisible(true); jframe.setdefaultlookandfeeldecorated(true); jframe.setpreferredsize(new dimension(600, 400)); //create content panes jpanel headerpanel = new jpanel(); jpanel tablepanel = new jpanel(); jpanel buttonpanel = new jpanel(); ...

Force Chrome to follow URL and not search -

i use jira , when want navigate new task, change number in url go there, e.g. http://jira.mycompany.internal/jira/browse/foo-1 is edited to: http://jira.mycompany.internal/jira/browse/foo-2 and away go. however, (today) chrome has decided search instead of following url. extremely annoying, there work around. if wait moment, chrome presents options search or follow url, can edit url, wait, press down arrow select url, press enter. however, pain , there may more 1 url match (even though want exact 1 typed). huge pain, , enough make me quit chrome if can't fixed. ps. tried disable searching address bar , found useful tips on web (e.g. google chrome - disable searches address bar ), there no flag (i'm using v49.0.2623.112). can tell me how fix when type url, chrome follows url default , doesn't search? edit per dave ross' answer, won't fix bug in chrome. in addition above work around, there is: change url, press <tab> move second ite...

ruby - Win32::Registry - delete_value - system cannot find file specified -

using: windows 7 pro sp1 x64 i'm trying delete existing value in registry (verified existence using regedit ) following code: require 'win32/registry' keyname = 'software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\windowsupdate' access = win32::registry::key_all_access, access) |reg| reg.delete_value('susclientid') end the output of yields following exception: c:/ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/win32/registry.rb:768:in `delete_value': system cannot find file specified. (win32::registry::error) c:/main_script.rb:7:in `block in <main>' c:/ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/win32/registry.rb:389:in `open' c:/ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/win32/registry.rb:496:in `open' c:/main_script.rb:6:in `<main>' could me insight? in advance

sql - How to filter mysql audit log by user account -

my issue disable root user audit logging still logging these user. please help. here did step step. [setp -1] check audit log variable. mysql> show variables 'audit_log%'; +-----------------------------+--------------+ | variable_name | value | +-----------------------------+--------------+ | audit_log_buffer_size | 1048576 | | audit_log_connection_policy | | | audit_log_current_session | on | | audit_log_exclude_accounts | | | audit_log_file | audit.log | | audit_log_flush | off | | audit_log_format | old | | audit_log_include_accounts | | | audit_log_policy | | | audit_log_rotate_on_size | 0 | | audit_log_statement_policy | | | audit_log_strategy | asynchronous | +-----------------------------+--------------+ 12 rows in set (0.00 sec) [setp-2] following statement disable aud...