c++ - How to extract and count the number of similar-color dots from color image? -
i have bunch of color images have color dots on them. dots similar color color of dots might similar background image cannot extract them. following images can example green dots on ir train image have tried convert color space rgb hsv; applied blur filter on h channel; applied sobel filter on h channel; converted h channel binary image; applied shrinking , count number of dots. result not good. result of train ir image, shown below resulting train image
the white dots indicating dots found, not correct.
so how extract (find) green dots on color image?
for answer, should know minimum , maximum allowed dot size minimum , maximum allowed pixel color. because these coming in via kinect, color intensities cannot directly matched, within small delta, expect check adjacent pixels "good" values. "edges" in images color intensity varies bunch , see if edges form dots of correct size. play how close pixel colors have to more or less accurate answers - more color difference means catching more dots, false positives , visa-versa.
not sure if quite need, think better have now.
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