excel - vba Row numbers for filtered rows -

i have code capture row number in filtered table, things , go next visible row. works great first row.

sub test()  dim rn long dim cell range dim rng range       set rng = sheets("fabricatedparts").range("a:a").specialcells(xlcelltypevisible)         rn = sheets("fabricatedparts").usedrange.offset(1, 0).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).row          each cell in rng             activesheet                 .range("b14").value = [parts].cells(rn, [parts[part.]].column)             end             'rn = next visible row #???.row          next cell  end sub 

when change offset(1, 0) offset(2, 0) still returns row number first visible row(in case 10). looking vba statement return row number next visible row , pass number rn variable. filtered range testing next row number 11, next 165, next 166 etc. thank time.

use row number of cell loop.

sub test()  dim rn long dim cell range dim rng range       set rng = sheets("fabricatedparts").range("a:a").specialcells(xlcelltypevisible)          each cell in rng             rn = cell.row             activesheet                 .range("b14").value = [parts].cells(rn, [parts[part.]].column)             end          next cell  end sub 


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