iOS programming, fetching JSON data -
i have added project swiftyjson.swift file , trying data web. project runs until line trying array json in dictionary. cannot understand problem is, guessing has stupid in beginning learning swift.
i trying print in console name of movies url , after manage achieve performance, try summary of movie , put them in tableview.
import uikit class firstviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() //grab status code , check if transfer successful == 200 let requesturl: nsurl = nsurl(string: "")! let urlrequest: nsmutableurlrequest = nsmutableurlrequest(url: requesturl) let session = nsurlsession.sharedsession() let task = session.datataskwithrequest(urlrequest) { (data, response, error) -> void in let httpresponse = response as! nshttpurlresponse let statuscode = httpresponse.statuscode if (statuscode == 200) { //sort through stations key , cast data array of dictionaries do{ let json = try nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(data!, options:.allowfragments) print("bbbbb") // here on, doesn't print anymore if let movies = json["entry"] as? [[string: anyobject]] { print(movies) print("test") movie in movies { if let name = movie["name"] as? string { print("mmmm") print("%@ (built %@)",name) } } } }catch { print("error json: \(error)") } } } task.resume()
json array, use .array
if let movies = json["entry"].array { movie in movies { // stuff } }
also general tip. not cast values e.g.
movie["something"] as? string
rather use built in features:
looking closer on code see acctually not using swiftyjson.swift
@ all. use swifty parse json text , json object:
let jsonobj = json(data: yourdata) // data nsdata
please have @ documentation:
i think reading section "why typical json handling in swift not good?". section explains native , "bad" way of managing json in swift, real documentation further down.
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