EofException when doing a deployment using the Tooltwist Controller -
i'm deploying tooltwist application production server using fip, , im getting error on transfer phase.
java.net.sockettimeoutexception: read timed out @ java.net.socketinputstream.socketread0(native method) @ java.net.socketinputstream.read(socketinputstream.java:152)
and in fipserver console
org.eclipse.jetty.io.eofexception @ org.eclipse.jetty.http.httpgenerator.flushbuffer(httpgenerator.java:892) @ org.eclipse.jetty.http.abstractgenerator.blockforoutput(abstractgenerator.java:486) @ org.eclipse.jetty.http.abstractgenerator.flush(abstractgenerator.java:424) @ org.eclipse.jetty.server.httpoutput.flush(httpoutput.java:78) @ org.eclipse.jetty.server.httpconnection$output.flush(httpconnection.java:1094) @ org.eclipse.jetty.server.httpoutput.write(httpoutput.java:159) @ org.eclipse.jetty.server.httpoutput.write(httpoutput.java:98) @ tooltwist.fip.jetty.getfilelistservlet.doget(getfilelistservlet.java:82) @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(httpservlet.java:707) @ javax.servlet.http.httpservlet.service(httpservlet.java:820) caused by: java.io.ioexception: broken pipe @ sun.nio.ch.filedispatcherimpl.write0(native method) @ sun.nio.ch.socketdispatcher.write(socketdispatcher.java:47) @ sun.nio.ch.ioutil.writefromnativebuffer(ioutil.java:94)
what should solution this?
this error occuring in first stage of fip file transfer, fipserver creates index of existing files on destination server. done in getfilelistservlet.doget(), can seen in stack trace. indicated on client side message...
indexing source... indexing destination... error: java.net.sockettimeoutexception read timed out exception: tooltwist.fip.fipexception: java.net.sockettimeoutexception: read timed out
this indexing process involves creating hash each file on destination server, fip client compares hashes of files on source machine. determine files different, , need installed.
a read timeout occurs when client waiting long fip server index files on destination machine. indexing quick process, involve reading files beneath destination directory (e.g. in ~/server). if monsterously huge files exist within destination directory scanning take proportionately long time complete. if time long, client times out , drops connection, , server sees connection dropped , stops indexing.
the common cause of error excessively large log files in ~/server/tomcat/logs. if clean up, problem should go away.
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