Controlling while loops in Dart -
i stuck trying simple. want able count upwards until click on screen @ point want counting stop. in reality code carrying out complex ai calculations game, first want understand how control while loop. in android trivial.
here code looks like
bool ok = true; main() async{ html.queryselector('#content').onmouseup.listen((e){ ok = false; }); await for(int in naturals){ print(i); await sleep(); } } stream naturals async* { int k = 0; while (ok) { yield await k++; } } future sleep() { return new future.delayed(const duration(milliseconds: 1), () => "1"); }
i put sleep() method in way ensure control passed event loop.
is possible control while loop without sleep() method?
to provide more general answer - instead of loop, want schedule sequence of future tasks each executes 1 iteration or step of ai code (or whatever background process want have running).
you can have step task recursively schedule itself:
dynamic dosomething(_) { print('doing ...'); if(!stop) { new future.delayed(delay, (){}).then(dosomething); } return null; } main() async { dosomething(null); }
although don't recommend doing this. it's awkward control - step code has check flag variable see if should continue or stop , it's free running.
alternatively use timer
void dosomething(timer timer) { print('doing ...'); } main() async { new timer.periodic(delay, dosomething); }
this throttled @ constant rate , has uniform time step, , easier stop (call cancel()
on timer).
another approach might synchronize browser's draw refresh cycle requesting future animation frames:
import 'dart:html'; dosomething(num delta) { print('doing ...'); window.animationframe.then(dosomething); } void main() { window.animationframe.then(dosomething); }
time steps not constant time delta. advantage of approach animation frame futures not scheduled if browser window hidden.
see how drive animation loop @ 60fps dart?
those simple examples. setting proper background processes physics simulation , ai in web games surprisingly (to me @ least) non-trivial. here 2 resources found helpful. - nice free online book of game programming patterns. - chapter on game loops. - part of sequence of articles on physics simulation in games.
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