android - json file to handlebars -
i developing android app framework7 show info vehicles. first screen contain list vehicles types , user can choose 1 type , go next screen subcategories.i want show contexts of each set in website using handlebars "{{}}". did first screen types wondering if possible use handlebars show subcategories of each vehicle type in different row(which user press , take him next page, have info subtype user selected).
have json file following code:
[ { "id" : 1, "vehicle type": "hatchback" "subtypes": "st1", "st2", "st3" }, { "id" : 1, "vehicle type": "motorcycle" "subtypes": "mt1", "mt2", "mt3" } ]
if want use handlebars {{}}, need have template
for example:
<script id="template" type="text/template7"> {{#each records}} <p>vehicle type is: {{vehicle type}} </p> {{/each}} </script>
compile template template7:
var template = $$('#template').html(); var compiledtemplate = template7.compile(template);
get json data server:
$$.getjson('link/to/your/json', {}, function (data) { var context = data; }
now render compiled template passing required context
var html = compiledtemplate(context);
now, html
variable contain html need. example:
<p>vehicle type is: hatchback</p> <p>vehicle type is: motorcycle</p>
n.b. code has not been tested. , 'records' in first step needs replaced root node in json file.
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