perl - Memory leak in program that uses LWP::UserAgent to download a file -

i trying revive perl script using long time ago. downloading files cloud storage local client. i'm pretty sure worked fine then, having issue lwp::useragent downloads file entirely memory before writing disk. expected , former behaviour should write chunks of received file target during download.

i'm trying on osx perl 5.16.3 , 5.18 , tried on windows not know perl version more. pretty confident related perl version, not know used , want know changed.

sub downloadfile {      $url           = shift;     $filename      = shift;     $temp_filename = shift;     $expected_size = shift;      (   $download_size, $received_size, $avg_speed,   $avg_speed_s, $avg_speed_q,         $speed_count,   $speed,         $byte_offset, $http_status     ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );      if ( -e $temp_filename , !$options{'no-resume'} ) {          @stat = stat($temp_filename);          if ( $expected_size > $stat[7] ) {             $byte_offset   = $stat[7];             $received_size = $stat[7];         }     }      open download, ( $byte_offset > 0 ) ? ">>" : ">", $temp_filename             or die "unable create download file: $!";     binmode download;      $last_tick = time();      $host = "myhost";      if ( $url =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)\//gi ) {         $host = $1;     }      $agent->credentials(             $host . ":80",             "login required",             $config->{"account_name"},             $config->{"account_password"} );      $response = $agent->get(             $url,             ':content_cb'     => \&didreceivedata,             ':read_size_hint' => ( 2**14 ) );      close download;      @stat        = stat($temp_filename);     $actual_size = $stat[7];      if ( ! $response->is_success() ) {          printfvc( 0,                 "\rdownload failed: %s",                 'red',                 $response->status_line() );          return 0;     }     elsif ( $actual_size != $expected_size ) {          printfvc( 0,                 "\rdownloaded file not have expected size (%s vs. %s)",                 'red',                 $actual_size, $expected_size );          return 0;     }     else {          rename $temp_filename, $filename;          printfvc( 0,                 "\rdownload succeeded                                                           ",                 'green' );          return 1;     } }  sub didreceivedata {      ( $data, $cb_response, $protocol ) = @_;      #my($response, $ua, $h, $data) = @_;     $data_size = scalar( length($data) );     $received_size += $data_size;     $speed_count   += $data_size;      $now = time();      if ( $last_tick < $now ) {         $speed       = $speed_count;         $speed_count = 0;         $last_tick   = $now;         $avg_speed_q++;         $avg_speed_s += $speed;         $avg_speed = $avg_speed_s / $avg_speed_q;     }      if ( $download_size > 0 , $http_status eq "200" or $http_status eq "206" ) {          print download $data;          printf("-> %.1f %% (%s of %s, %s/s) %s      ",                 ( $received_size / $download_size ) * 100,                 fsize($received_size),                 fsize($download_size),                 fsize($speed),                 $avg_speed_q > 3                 ? fduration( ( $download_size - $received_size ) / $avg_speed ) . " remaining"                 : ""         ) if ( $verbosity >= 0 );     }     else {         printf("-> initiating transfer...") if ( $verbosity >= 0 );     }      return 1; } 


mun-m-sele:putio-perl-folder-sync sele$ perl  syncing folder 'test' '/users/sele/downloads/test'... 1 files queued download fetching '' [1 of 1]  -> 0.3 % (16.0 kib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)        -> 0.6 % (32.0 kib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)        -> 0.9 % (48.0 kib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)         .  .   .       -> 99.1 % (5.0 mib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)        -> 99.4 % (5.0 mib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)        -> 99.7 % (5.0 mib of 5.0 mib, 16.0 kib/s)        download succeeded 

so output expected but still output appears after file has been loaded memory.

the content_cb not called during download (tested putting print("cb") top of didreceivedata


i found out works expected on windows strawberry perl 5.16.2. can provide package versions if tell me , how ;)

your own code contains lot of irrelevances, resume support, multiple server support, progress logging, site credentials, temporary download files, error handling, , average speed calculations. none of these relevant core problem described, , why asked create minimal, complete, , verifiable example. don't understand refusal, or why seem clinging idea error in perl , not in own code

without that, can demonstrate technique works well. here sort of thing should have generated demonstration of problem. little different own code, , works fine. downloads official iso image of ubuntu desktop distribution 1.4gb of information. process uses steady 17mb of memory , finishes in 14 minutes. size of resultant file matches content-length specified in http header

beyond no 1 can further. encourage accept of experts when have asked it. it's worth noting problem revealed process of creating mcve faulty program: delete non-essential part of code , find issue has disappeared

use strict; use warnings 'all';  use lwp;  use constant iso_url => '';  stdout->autoflush;  $ua = lwp::useragent->new;  $expected; {     $res = $ua->head(iso_url);     $expected = $res->header('content-length');     printf "expected file size %.3fmb\n",  $expected / 1024**2; }  ($iso_file) = iso_url =~ m{([^/]+)\z}; open $iso_fh, '>:raw', $iso_file or die $!; $total; $pc = 0;  {     $res = $ua->get(         iso_url,         ':content_cb'     => \&content_cb,         ':read_size_hint' => 16 * 1024,     );      close $iso_fh or die $!;      print $res->status_line, "\n";     printf "final file size %.3fmb\n", (-s $iso_file) / 1024**2; }  sub content_cb {      ( $data, $res ) = @_;      die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;      print $iso_fh $data;      $total += length $data;     while ( $pc < 100 * $total / $expected ) {         printf "%3d%%\n", $pc++;     } } 


expected file size 1417.047mb   0%   1%   2%   3%   4%   5%   :   :  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 200 ok final file size 1417.047mb 


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