java - How to set size and various attributes for all grids in GridPane in Scenebuilder/JavaFX -

note: not homework. swing application homework, it's completed. i'm doing own knowledge better understanding of javafx , scenebuilder.

i created swing application contained 27x27 grid. upon clicking "normal setup", center square visible.

swing gui initialization

i attemtping translate javafx, , using scenebuilder. i'm still learning how use this, , i'm unsure if have gridpane placed correctly (notice how creating 27 x 27 grid makes go beyond bounds of parent). can work on later.

javafx gridnode scenebuilder

what know if can set of attributes each node across board. had go fxml file , manually change each node size in 27x27 grid. exhausting eventually. surely there way this? can see each node have label template, , visible when ant accesses it.

in swing version, example of setting nodes looks so:

     setpreferredsize(new dimension(colonyview.node_size, colonyview.node_size)); 

where "node_size" is:

    public final static int node_size = 96 

any appreciated.

select node in gridpane , press strg + a


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