ios - Quickblox unrecognized selector sent -
i try register in quickblox twitter digits error
+[qbrequest loginwithtwitterdigitsauthheaders:successblock:errorblock:]: unrecognized selector sent class 0x1002c8e70
i tried many different methods resolve problem
public static func createuserbyphonenumber(phonenumber: string, completion: ((error: nserror?) -> ())?) { let configuration = dgtauthenticationconfiguration(accountfields: .defaultoptionmask) configuration.phonenumber = phonenumber digits.sharedinstance().authenticatewithviewcontroller(nil, configuration: configuration) { (session, error) in if error == nil { let oauthsigning = dgtoauthsigning(authconfig: digits.sharedinstance().authconfig, authsession: session) createquickbloxuser(oauthsigning.oauthechoheaderstoverifycredentials(), completion: { (error) in if error == nil { completion?(error: nil) } else { completion?(error: error) } }) } else { print(error.localizeddescription) completion?(error: error) } } } private static func createquickbloxuser(headers: [nsobject : anyobject], completion: ((error: nserror?) -> ())?) { qbrequest.loginwithtwitterdigitsauthheaders(headers, successblock: { (response, user) in if response.success { print("user created") } }) { (errorresponse) in if errorresponse.error?.error != nil { completion?(error: errorresponse.error?.error) } } }
i resolved problem add of -objc in setting of project
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