Preserve history between sessions of terminal usage (Mac osx) -
i followed different guide:
and called 3 commands:
sudo -iu root cd ~(myusername) chown (myusername) .bash_history
but upon every start of terminal following output:
last login: thu apr 21 15:39:19 on ttys000 -bash: username: no such file or directory
and still unable retrieve recent commands in history using up-arrow key. know shouldn't have executed commands didn't know meaning of. can point me in right direction put terminal place , preserve history upon closing terminal?
what exact commands typed? mean, presumably did substitute name (myusername) didn't you? , command
cd ~(myusername)
makes no sense me. on own,
cd ~
will take home directory.
okay. basic troubleshooting (put answers here). load terminal , type (note there's no need use sudo of this):
cd ~ # changes home directory ls -la .bash_history # checks permissions , ownership of bash_history
your bash history should have following permissions (or similar):
-rw-------@ 1 headbanger staff 10619 20 apr 17:08 .bash_history
so, me fix account, i'd type:
chown headbanger:staff .bash_history # if aren't owner, necessary use sudo here. chmod "u+rw,go-rwx" .bash_history # greybeards use octal 600
i've avoided using octal chmod make more readable. letters in chmod mean following:
u user g group o other (u,g & o) - remove permission + add permission = set permission r read w write x execute
let know how on!
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