maven - Intellij: How to set project configuration to java 1.8 -

i've got problem build project in intellij because of theoretically wrong java version:

enter image description here

in reality project settings set correctly:

enter image description here

java 1.8 set default jdk operating system. unfortunatelly, when try o make project, following error:

enter image description here

do have idea should change configuration in order successfuly build project?

update after specyfying properties in pom.xml file:

<maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source> <>1.8</> 

project builds correcly. strangely, when removed properies (so went initial state) , tried build project again, worked fine. still, intellij indcates,that line causes error presented on first picture. know why? in editor -> inspection section i've got selected option respect project language level settings, according project configuration, should right (but not):

enter image description here

i found answer! actuallyi don't understand, why default version of java compiler set version 1.5 ... hope find helpful

enter image description here


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