Delete all null rows - Access VBA -
basic question.
i need delete null/blank rows of table in database. trouble there no way know how many fields there are, or names of fields before delete. , need verify every field null/blank before deleting. not sure how query in access vba.
in examples find, have field name can test blanks.
thanks in advance.
change testtabke table name. if have autonumber field, must skipped. using dao. if want ado, convert following code.
function deleteemptyrows() dim db dao.database set db = currentdb dim rs dao.recordset set rs = db.openrecordset("testtable") until rs.eof inx = 0 rs.fields.count - 1 if isnull(rs.fields(inx).value) or len(trim(rs.fields(inx).value)) = 0 else: exit end if next if rs.fields.count = inx rs.delete end if rs.movenext loop end function
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