sql - Get date for nth day of week in nth week of month -
i have column values '3rd-wednesday', '2nd-tuesday', 'every-thursday'.
i'd create column reads strings, , determines if date has come month, , if has, return date of next month. if has not passed yet month, return date month.
expected results (on 4/22/16) above be: '05-18-2016', '05-10-2016', '04-28-2016'.
i'd prefer mathematically , avoid creating calendar table if possible.
partial answer, no means bug free.
this doesn't cater 'every-' entries, give inspiration. i'm sure there plenty of test cases fail on, , might better off writing stored proc.
i did try calculating day name , day number of first day of month, calculating next wanted day , applying offset, got messy. know said no date table cte simplifies things.
how works
a cte creates calendar current month of date , dayname. rather suspect parsing code pulls day name test data , joins cte. clause filters dates greater nth occurrence, , select adds 4 weeks if date has passed. or @ least that's theory :)
i'm using datefromparts
simplify code, sql 2012 function - there alternatives on 2008.
select * #test (values ('3rd-wednesday'), ('2nd-tuesday'), ('4th-monday')) a(value) set datefirst 1 ;with days ( select cast(dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,getdate()),n.number) date) date, datename(weekday, dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,getdate()),n.number)) dayname master..spt_values n n.type = 'p' , n.number between 0 , 31 ) select t.value, case when min(d.date) < getdate() dateadd(week, 4, min(d.date)) else min(d.date) end date #test t join days d on reverse(substring(reverse(t.value), 1, charindex('-', reverse(t.value)) -1)) = d.dayname d.date >= datefromparts( year(getdate()), month(getdate()), 1+ 7*(cast(substring(t.value, 1,1) int) -1) ) group t.value value date ------------- ---------- 2nd-tuesday 2016-05-10 3rd-wednesday 2016-05-18 4th-monday 2016-04-25
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