java - How to get the file name when using Part to upload files with JSF? -
i'm using below code snippet upload file using jsf
private part uploadedfile; public part getuploadedfile() { return uploadedfile; } public void setuploadedfile(part uploadedfile) { this.uploadedfile = uploadedfile; } public void processfileupload() { if(!(uploadedfile==null)) { filename = uploadedfile.getname(); system.out.println(filename); filesize = uploadedfile.getsize(); filecontenttype = uploadedfile.getcontenttype(); } else { system.out.println("null");
my jsp code snippets shown below
<h:form enctype = "multipart/form-data"> <h:outputlabel value="select file:" style="color:white"/> <h:inputfile id="fileupload" label="file upload" style="color:white" value="#{actionbeanworld.uploadedfile}" size="60" /> <h:commandbutton type = "submit" value = "upload" action = "#{actionbeanworld.processfileupload}"> </h:commandbutton>
the filename generated using uploadedfile.getname() generates part name j_id_jsp_903082837_1:fileupload wondering if there way filename uploaded? tried using uploadedfile.getsubmittedfilename(); , threw java.lang.abstractmethod error. please help!
abstractmethoderror thrown javax.servlet.http.part.getsubmittedfilename()
myfaces core affects version/s: 2.2.6, 2.2.8
please provide full details of jsf version , implementation , server on testing code.
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