ios - Internal name swift 2.0+? -
this question has answer here:
before update swift 2.0+ worked. there no internal parameters?
how should change let work correctly?
i found out need delete "func" , "#" didn't d:
func previewfile(#path: nsindexpath) { uiapplication.sharedapplication().networkactivityindicatorvisible = false self.fileisloading = false let previewql = qlreaderviewcontroller() previewql.datasource = self previewql.delegate = self previewql.hidesbottombarwhenpushed = true self.filepath = path self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(previewql, animated: true) }
so did ... enter image description here
but if delete "path" work correctly? why declaration of parameter changed so? mean - works. why
instead of
previewfile(path: indexpath!)
you can't use # internal argument naming anymore. should write function like:
func previewfile(path path: nsindexpath) { // code }
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