javascript - is this an efficient way to parseInt? -
is best way convert string int in while loop?i think code in parseint inefficient way because makes computer parseint everytime until dowhile loop true
function randomupper(upper) { return math.floor(math.random() * upper) + 1 } var limit = 10; var guess; var randomnumber = randomupper(limit); var guessmade = 0; do{ guess = prompt("guess number"); guess = parseint(guess); guessmade++; } while (guess !== randomnumber); document.write(guessmade)
javascript such high level language things string integer type coercions don't put stress on language.
you can't avoid type coercion either. compare string integer properly, @ point have same type (loose comparison aside), meaning have convert manually strict comparison won't compare otherwise.
this shouldn't concern, when you're using prompt
, user input function awaits feedback browser window. that's whole lot more expensive string integer conversion.
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