arrays - Swift fatal error: Index out of range -
leetcode easy 88 merge sorted array
given 2 sorted integer arrays nums1 , nums2, merge nums2 nums1 1 sorted array.
you may assume nums1 has enough space (size greater or equal m + n) hold additionalelements nums2. number of elements initialized in nums1 , nums2 m , n respectively.
i got error have commented in code. have printed index2 , index3, both zero.they should legal. why got error?
any help, appreciate it. thank time!
class solution { func merge(inout nums1:[int], _ m: int, _ nums2:[int], _ n: int) { var index1 = m - 1 var index2 = n - 1 var index3 = m + n - 1 while index2 >= 0 && index1 >= 0 { if nums1[index1] > nums2[index2] { nums1[index3] = nums1[index1] index3 -= 1 index1 -= 1 } else { nums1[index3] = nums2[index2] index3 -= 1 index2 -= 1 } } while index2 >= 0 { print(index2) print(index3) nums1[index3] = nums2[index2] // fatal error: index out of range index3 -= 1 index2 -= 1 } } } let test1 = solution() var haha = [int]() haha = [] test1.merge(&haha,0, [1],1) print(haha)
your variable nums1
0-element array. there isn't space make assignment. is, index3=0
, you're using point first element of nums1
, there not first element.
if, example, change:
haha = []
haha = [0]
then array nums1
have 0-th element inside method.
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