spring - How to get alias.table from oracle database using HikariCP -

i came across issue recently. not sure if it's hikaricp or oracle or spring boot. when try use schema datasource.schema(application.yml/application.properties) getting error. hikaricp starts fails immediatly saying property schema doesn't exist. how supposed use schema in oracle databases?

driver class name : oracle.jdbc.pool.oracledatasource - ojdbc-7

main] com.zaxxer.hikari.hikaridatasource : hikaripool-1 - started.

main] com.zaxxer.hikari.util.propertyelf : property schema not exist on target class oracle.jdbc.pool.oracledatasource

(i know can't set schema hikaricp! how now?)

is @ possible connect oracle database using schema(alias) using hikaricp?

for wondering wth hikaricp: https://github.com/brettwooldridge/hikaricp place learn.


hikaricp takes connectioninitsql property can set to:

connectioninitsql =alter session set current_schema=xyz(your schema name)

solution page

public datasource datasource(datasourceproperties datasourceproperties){     hikaridatasource ds = new hikaridatasource();     ds.setjdbcurl(datasourceproperties.geturl());     ds.setusername(datasourceproperties.getusername());     ds.setpassword(datasourceproperties.getpassword());     ds.setconnectioninitsql("alter session set current_schema=my_schema");     return new hikaridatasource(ds); } 


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