xcode - Unwind segue isn't editing a selected cell but keeps appending to the array -
so i'm working on contacts page , want able select cell , edit data. contacts information appears in contact page, particular contact being sent. it's when hit save creates new contact instead of modifying selected one.
@ibaction func unwindtocontacts(sender: uistoryboardsegue) { if let sourceviewcontroller = sender.sourceviewcontroller as? newcontactviewcontroller, contact = sourceviewcontroller.contact { if let selectedindexpath = tableview.indexpathforselectedrow { // update existing contact. contacts[selectedindexpath.row] = contact tableview.reloadrowsatindexpaths([selectedindexpath], withrowanimation: .none) } else { // add new contact. let newindexpath = nsindexpath(forrow: contacts.count, insection: 0) contacts.append(contact) tableview.insertrowsatindexpaths([newindexpath], withrowanimation: .bottom) } // save contacts. { try managedcontext.save() } catch let error nserror{ print("error: \(error)" + "description: \(error.localizeddescription)") } } }
edit: solved keeping track of nsindexpath , passing , from.
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