bash - Seeing shell commands as they are being executed including variables -
this question has answer here:
i can do
bash -x
to see commands being executed, don't see variables replaced values. instance, if have in shell script:
screen -d -m sh -c 'rails_env="$r_env" bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex[500] > "$project_dir"/solr/indexing_out.txt'
i see:
+ screen -d -m sh -c 'rails_env="$r_env" bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex[500] > "$project_dir"/solr/indexing_out.txt'
even though i've declared earlier:
is there option want?
in case, doing asked: command line "word" $r_env
in have enclosed in single quotes, inhibit expansion. -x output showing non-expansion. if want variables expanded, enclose first "word" in double quotes , use single quotes in contents, this:
screen -d -m sh -c "rails_env='$r_env' bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex[500] > '$project_dir'/solr/indexing_out.txt"
then single quotes around expanded text , double quotes allow variables expand.
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