ios - How to implement 2 UITableViews in 1 ViewController? The tableViews each have their own custom cell -
i have 2 tableviews each own custom cell. how can implement these tableviews in 1 viewcontroller? here code.
xcode can't cast custom cell standard uitableviewcell
func tableview(tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int { // let accountsize = int(accounts.count()) // return accountsize; var count:int? if tableview == self.tableview { count = int(accounts.count()) } if tableview == self.tableviewloan { count = int(loans.count()) } return count! } func tableview(tableview: uitableview, cellforrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> uitableviewcell { // return uitableviewcell() var cell:uitableviewcell? if tableview == self.tableview { //cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("accountstableviewcell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! accountstableviewcell var cell1 = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("accountstableviewcell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! accountstableviewcell var account:suvtisdda = suvtisdda() account = accounts.objectatindex(uint(indexpath.row)) var accounttype = "" var accountnum = "" let accountnumber = account.description.value var accountsplit = accountnumber.componentsseparatedbystring(": ") if(accountsplit.count > 1){ accountnum = accountsplit[1] accounttype = accountsplit[0] print("account number: \(accountsplit[1])") } else { accounttype = account.description.value accountnum = " no account number" print("account number unavailable") } let formatter = nsnumberformatter() formatter.numberstyle = .decimalstyle cell1.accounttypelabel!.text = accounttype cell1.accountnumberlabel!.text = accountnum cell1.accountcurrencylabel!.text = account.currency.value cell1.accountamountlabel!.text = formatter.stringfromnumber(account.availablebalance.value) cell1.accounttypelabel!.textcolor = uicolor(red:0, green:0.451, blue:0.682, alpha:1) return cell1 } if tableview == self.tableviewloan { var cell2 = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier("loancell", forindexpath: indexpath) as! loancell var loan: suvtiln = suvtiln(); loan = loans.objectatindex(uint(indexpath.row)); cell2.descriptionlabel.text = loan.description.value; cell2.currencylabel.text = loan.currency.value; cell2.[![valuelabel][1]][1].text = loan.loanamount.value.stringvalue; cell = cell2; } return cell; }
i not sure trying do. maybe try using containerviewcontroller , embedding 2 tableviewcontrollers that. should give effect of having 2 tableviews in 1 viewcontroller have separate files each tableviewcontroller.
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