Simple Elevator Program Python Using While For Loop. Why does my loop not update every item on list? -

my below loop in python goes through list of customers seems once removes customer list go start of while loop instead of repeating through rest of customers. can please have @ doing wrong? entire code below , attached.

author = 'alan doonan'  import random import time   class building:                                                                                                                         # defines class building     number_of_floors = 0                                                                                                                # sets number_of_floors variable 0     customer_list = []                                                                                                                  # creates empty array customer_list     elevator = 0                                                                                                                        # sets elevator variable 0      def __init__(self, floors, customers):                                                                                              # initialize building         self.number_of_floors = floors                                                                                                  # assigns floors entered number_of_floors         customerid in range(1, customers + 1):                                                                                      # assigns number of customers entered customer_list in order             new = customer(customerid,self.number_of_floors)                                                                            # creates instance called new of customer class number of customers entered in input             self.customer_list.append(new)                                                                                              # appends new instance of customer customer_list         self.customer_list.sort(key = lambda x: x.current_floor)                                                                        # sorts customer_list current_floor customer on                                               # prints         self.elevator = elevator(floors,self.customer_list)                                                                             # creates instance of elevator inputted floors , assigns customer_list register_list                                                                            # prints                                                                                                                      # runs run method below      def run(self):                                                                                                                      # method operate elevator         print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++elevator starting+++++++++++++++')                                                      # prints         print('there %d customers in building' % (len(self.customer_list)))                                                     # prints         number_of_customers = len(self.customer_list)                                                                                   # assigns current number of customers number_of_customers variable         self.output()                                                                                                                   # runs output method below      def output(self):         customer in self.customer_list:                                                                                                   #prints lists of customers in building , details             print("customer",customer.customerid,"is on floor",customer.current_floor,"and wants go to",customer.destination_floor)          #elevator moving loop         while (self.elevator.current_floor < self.elevator.number_of_floors):             self.elevator.current_floor +=1             print('elevator moving up')             print(len(self.customer_list),'customers in lift.')             print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')             print('floor',self.elevator.current_floor)              customer in self.customer_list:                                                                                             # loop each instance of custumer in customer_list                 if (self.elevator.current_floor == customer.current_floor) & customer.customer_direction == 1:                     customer.in_elevator = true                     print('customer',customer.customerid,'has entered lift')                 if (self.elevator.current_floor == customer.destination_floor) & (customer.in_elevator == true) & customer.customer_direction ==1:                     customer.in_elevator = false                     self.customer_list.remove(customer)                     print(customer.customerid,'has reached destination')           #elevator moving down loop         while (self.elevator.current_floor <= self.number_of_floors) & (self.elevator.current_floor > 1):             self.elevator.current_floor -= 1             print(len(self.customer_list),'customers in lift.')             print('elevator moving down')             print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')             print('floor',self.elevator.current_floor)              customer in self.customer_list:                 if (customer.in_elevator == true):                     customer.current_floor = self.elevator.current_floor                 if (self.elevator.current_floor == customer.destination_floor) & (customer.in_elevator == true) & (customer.customer_direction == -1):                     customer.in_elevator = false                     self.customer_list.remove(customer)                     print('customer',customer.customerid,'has reached destination')          print('there are',len(self.customer_list),'trapped in elevator')                                                            #prints         print('there are',len(elevator.register_list),'people left on register')         print('elevator run done!!!')                                                                                                #prints          print('customers stuck in lift below')         stuck in self.customer_list:             print('cust. id:',stuck.customerid,'dest. floor:',stuck.destination_floor,'curr. floor:',stuck.current_floor,'in elevator',stuck.in_elevator,'direction',stuck.customer_direction)   class elevator:     number_of_floors = 0                                                                                                # number of floors     register_list = []                                                                                                  # list of customers in elevator     current_floor = 0                                                                                                   # current floor of elevator     = 1                                                                                                              # moves elevator     down = -1                                                                                                           # moves elevator down      def __init__(self, number_of_floors, register_list):         self.number_of_floors = number_of_floors         self.register_list = register_list      def move(self):                                                                                                     # method move elevator 1 floor         pass;      def register_customer(self, customers):                                                                             # customer goes elevator         reg in customers:             self.register_list.append(reg)        def cancel_customer(self, customers):                                                                               # customer goes out of elevator         pass;   class customer:     current_floor = 0                                                                                                   # current floor of elevator     destination_floor = 0                                                                                               # destination floor of elevator     customerid = 0                                                                                                      # customers id     in_elevator = false                                                                                                 # denotes whether customer in elevator     finished = false                                                                                                    # denotes whether customer has reached destination floor     customer_direction = 0      def __init__(self, customerid, floors):                                                                             # initilize customer class         self.customerid = customerid                                                                                    # assigns self.customerid customerid         self.current_floor = random.randint(1, floors)                                                                  # assigns self.current_floor random int between 1 , floors entered         self.destination_floor = random.randint(1, floors)                                                              # assigns seslf.destination_floor random int between 1 , floors entered         while self.destination_floor == self.current_floor:             self.destination_floor = random.randint(1, floors)         if self.current_floor < self.destination_floor:             self.customer_direction = 1         else:             self.customer_direction = -1  def header():                                                                                                           # elevator animation @ beginning of program     print("                          elevator opening                        ")     time.sleep(.2)     print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++||+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++|       |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("++++++++++++++++|                             |+++++++++++++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("++++++|                                                 |+++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("                                                                  ")     time.sleep(.2)     print("                          elevator closing                        ")     time.sleep(.2)     print("++++++|                                                 |+++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("++++++++++++++++|                             |+++++++++++++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++|       |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")     time.sleep(.2)     print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++||+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")   def main():                                                                                                             # main method     try:                                                                                                                # try/except user input menu         floors = int(input('enter number of floors: '))                                                             # enter floors , assign floors         customers = int(input('enter number of customers: '))                                                           # enter customers , assign customers         building = building(floors, customers)  # instance of building created inputs of floors , customers      # create instance of building class (building)     except valueerror:         print('you didnt enter number. start again.')         main()   if __name__ == "__main__":     # header()     main() 

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it hard answer question without providing more scope. please more specific. without more exact question, cannot sure-so please provide examples of input , output lead believe this. however, if looks starting @ beginning of while loop because keeps printing out same information, may have how declared classes; have overloaded customerid both class variable , instance variable. more information see docs. basically, rid of class variables inside customer instance variables , refactor sections below comments #elevator moving loop , going down loop consolidate them, since reusing lot of code needlessly here. refine question asking clearer


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