javascript - Access constructor parameters inside the google sign in function Angular 2 -
i translate google sign in javascript typescript, , works, issue i'm having cannot access _router variable inside google sign in function. inside attachsignin() function try access _router: router param constructor , undefinded.
this code
import {component, ngzone} "angular2/core"; import {toastsmanager } 'ng2-toastr/ng2-toastr'; import {router, router_providers} 'angular2/router' // google's login api namespace declare var gapi: any; @component({ selector: "sous-app", templateurl: "app/login/login.html", providers: [toastsmanager, router_providers] }) export class login { googleloginbuttonid = "google-login-button"; userauthtoken = null; userdisplayname = "empty"; auth2 = null; self = this; constructor( public _router: router) { } // angular hook allows interaction elements inserted // rendering of view. ngafterviewinit() { var loginproxy = $.proxy(this.attachsignin, this); var redirecttopolls = $.proxy(this.redirecttopolls, this); gapi.load('auth2', function () { // retrieve singleton googleauth library , set client. self.auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({ client_id: '', cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin', // request scopes in addition 'profile' , 'email' //scope: 'additional_scope' }); loginproxy(document.getelementbyid('custombtn')); }); } attachsignin = (element) => { var navigate = false; console.log(; self.auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {}, function (googleuser) { var profile = googleuser.getbasicprofile(); console.log('id: ' + profile.getid()); // not send backend! use id token instead. console.log('name: ' + profile.getname()); console.log('image url: ' + profile.getimageurl()); console.log('email: ' + profile.getemail()); //here want access router _router.navigate(['polls']); console.log(googleuser.getauthresponse().id_token); }, function (error) { alert(json.stringify(error, undefined, 2)); }); } }
change function()
() =>
self.auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {}, (googleuser) => {
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