mongodb - Match a field property containing $ in the name -
i saved lot of aggregations pipeline collection :
{ "_id" : objectid("56d06614070b7f2b117b23db"), "ops" : [ { "$unwind" : "$x" }, { "$unwind" : "$y" }, { "$match" : { "brand" : "z" } } ] }
i want make statistics on data :
the result unwind operation alone :
{ "_id" : objectid("56d06631070b7f11117b23d4"), "ops" : { "$match" : { "brand" : "zzz" } } }, { "_id" : objectid("56d06631070b7f11117b23d4"), "ops" : { "$unwind" : "$x" } }
i want able match $match operations saved collection. haves how select on key "$match" ?
your question misleading. since $
characters "illegal" property names in mongodb document, "escaped" "slash" \
{ "_id" : objectid("56d06614070b7f2b117b23db"), "ops" : [ { "\$unwind" : "$x" }, { "\$unwind" : "$y" }, { "\$match" : { "brand" : "z" } } ] }
therefore need include characters in key using $exists
operator find \$match
db.apicalls.aggregate([ { "$unwind": "$ops" }, { "$match": { "ops.\\$match": { "$exists": true } }} ])
which returns correct document:
{ "_id" : objectid("56d06614070b7f2b117b23db"), "ops" : { "\$match" : { "brand" : "z" } } }
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