excel - Call Application.OnTime with fully qualified path to sub? -
i have spreadsheet implemented timer in automatically update formula every 10 seconds. working great until open spreadsheet. assumption was still trying run timer()
on wrong sheet. so, tried switching absolute calls. here full code:
dim timeractive boolean sub starttimer() start_timer end sub private sub start_timer() timeractive = true application.ontime now() + timevalue("00:00:10"), "timetrack.xlsm!tracker.timer" end sub sub stop_timer() timeractive = false end sub sub timer() dim tracker worksheet set tracker = workbooks("timetrack.xlsm").sheets("tracker") tracker.range("o1").value = "timer stopped" 'on error resume next if timeractive tracker.range("o2").value = time application.ontime now() + timevalue("00:00:10"), "timetrack.xlsm!tracker.timer" tracker.range("n:n").calculate end if tracker.range("o1").value = "" end sub
specifically, i'm getting error on application.ontime
cannot run macro ''s:\onedrive...!docs\timetrack.xlsm'!tracker.timer'. macro may not available in workbook or macros may disabled.
the path shows in error correct. wrong? what's weird seems run in starttimer()
sub without issue.
to refer procedure in worksheet, need use worksheet.codename
, not worksheet.name
application.ontime now() + timevalue("00:00:10"), thisworkbook.name & "!" & me.codename & ".timer"
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