.net - How to find a text and replace it with an image in C# -
i have code searches text , replace text in ms word document. want similar kind of operation. find text , replace image. can pass file location, image location.
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.diagnostics; using system.io; using word = microsoft.office.interop.word; using system.runtime.interopservices; //using system.drawing; namespace writingintodocx { [comvisible(true)] public interface imyclass { void documentdigitalsign(string filep,string findt,string replacet); } [comvisible(true)] [classinterface(classinterfacetype.none)] public class program : imyclass { public void documentdigitalsign(string filep, string findt, string replacet) { string filepath = filep; string findtext = findt; string replacetext = replacet; word.application app = new word.application(); word.document doc = app.documents.open(filepath); word.range mystoryrange = doc.range(); //first search main document using selection word.find myfind = mystoryrange.find; myfind.text = findtext; myfind.replacement.text = replacetext; //myfind.replacement. myfind.forward = true; myfind.wrap = word.wdfindwrap.wdfindcontinue; myfind.format = false; myfind.matchcase = false; myfind.matchwholeword = false; myfind.matchwildcards = false; myfind.matchsoundslike = false; myfind.matchallwordforms = false; myfind.execute(replace: word.wdreplace.wdreplaceall); //'now search other stories using ranges foreach (word.range otherstoryrange in doc.storyranges) { if (otherstoryrange.storytype != word.wdstorytype.wdmaintextstory) { word.find myotherfind = otherstoryrange.find; myotherfind.text = findtext; myotherfind.replacement.text = replacetext; myotherfind.wrap = word.wdfindwrap.wdfindcontinue; myotherfind.execute(replace: word.wdreplace.wdreplaceall); } // 'now search next stories of other stories (doc.storyranges dont seem cascades in sub story) word.range nextstoryrange = otherstoryrange.nextstoryrange; while (nextstoryrange != null) { word.find mynextstoryfind = nextstoryrange.find; mynextstoryfind.text = findtext; mynextstoryfind.replacement.text = replacetext; mynextstoryfind.wrap = word.wdfindwrap.wdfindcontinue; mynextstoryfind.execute(replace: word.wdreplace.wdreplaceall); nextstoryrange = nextstoryrange.nextstoryrange; } } app.documents.save(); app.documents.close(); } } }
i think can try this:
var doc = app.documents.add(path.getfullpath(@"docs/yourdoc.docx")), visible: false); doc.activate(); string texttoreplace = "your text"; var selected = app.selection; selected.text = string.format("[{0}]", keyword); selected.find.execute(replace: wdreplace.wdreplacenone); selected.range.select(); var imgpath = path.getfullpath(string.format(yourimage)) selected.inlineshapes.addpicture(filename: imgpath, linktofile: false, savewithdocument: true); doc.saveas(path.getfullpath(@"docs/yourdoc.docx"));
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