javascript - IE Button click (on loop) with VBA -
i'm having issues executing following task:
- working - open ie , navigate intranet webpage (its database)
- not working - click "delete" button first row of data
- not working - wait ie refresh and
- not working - click "delete" button second row first.
i want execute click-loop goes through entire webpage searching "delete buttons". using getelementbyid
gives me run time error 424 object required
this i'm getting stuck at. appreciate help!!!
here code i'm using:
sub website() dim ie object, doc object, username object, password object, strcode string set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") set ie = new internetexplorermedium ie.visible = true ' ie open webpage page ie.navigate "" while ie.readystate <> 4: doevents: loop end sub
do use ie.document.getelementbyid???
there has document in between.
and should perhaps handle error if doesn't find element.
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