php - Internal Server Error Slim and .htaccess -
first need ya sorry bad english hope u can me strangers. have created domian in linux debian 8.
<virtualhost *:80> serveradmin documentroot "/var/www/saci" servername serveralias errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined <directory "/var/www/saci"> options indexes followsymlinks multiviews allowoverride order allow,deny allow </directory> </virtualhost>
i'm using slim , i've created folder named 'app' on folder 'saci' file start.php got this:
<?php use slim\app; session_cache_limiter(false); session_start(); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); define('inc_root', dirname(__dir__)); require inc_root . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new app(); $app->get('/test', function() { echo "this test."; }); ?>
now on folder saci i've created folder named public 1 index.php , 1 .htaccess. roots
var > www > saci > public
index.php <------------------index daaa
.htaccess <------------------.htaccess
var > www > saci > app
start.php <----------------start
so problem here i've got index.php this
<?php require '../app/start.php'; $app->run();
and .htaccess this
rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewriterule ^ index.php [qsa,l]
but when go host can see index of/ proyects folders cannot see folder public, , if go
internal server error
the server encountered internal error or misconfiguration , unable complete request.
please contact server administrator @ inform them of time error occurred, , actions performed before error.
more information error may available in server error log.
apache/2.4.10 (debian) server @ port 80
i rly don't have idea of going wrong need rly rly
starting now
thanks steangers u rock never forget smile
greetings venezuela
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