c# - How do I remedy this type does not exist in type error? -

i need value script keep getting error says

the type name 'head' not exist in type 'steamvr_camera'.

my code:

using unityengine; using system.collections; using unityengine.vr;  public class hmdhelper : monobehaviour {     private steamvr_camera.head.localposition hmdlocalpos; //error thrown here.      void start()     {     }      // update called once per frame     void update()     {         if (input.getkeydown("g"))         {             autorotate();         }     }      void autorotate()     {         hmdlocalpos = inputtracking.getlocalposition(head);         debug.log(hmdlocalpos);     } } 

what have fix error?

this script retrieved other value (hmdlocalpos) from...

//========= copyright 2014, valve corporation, rights reserved. =========== // // purpose: adds steamvr render support existing camera objects // //=============================================================================  using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.reflection; using valve.vr;  [requirecomponent(typeof(camera))] public class steamvr_camera : monobehaviour {     [serializefield]     private transform _head;     public transform head { { return _head; } }     public transform offset { { return _head; } } // legacy     public transform origin { { return _head.parent; } }      [serializefield]     private transform _ears;     public transform ears { { return _ears; } }      public ray getray()     {         return new ray(_head.position, _head.forward);     }      public bool wireframe = false;      [serializefield]     private steamvr_cameraflip flip;      #region materials      static public material blitmaterial;      // using single shared offscreen buffer render scene.  needs larger     // backbuffer account distortion correction.  default resolution     // gives 1:1 sized pixels in center of view, quality can adjusted or     // down using following scale value balance performance.     static public float sceneresolutionscale = 1.0f;     static private rendertexture _scenetexture;     static public rendertexture getscenetexture(bool hdr)     {         var vr = steamvr.instance;         if (vr == null)             return null;          int w = (int)(vr.scenewidth * sceneresolutionscale);         int h = (int)(vr.sceneheight * sceneresolutionscale);         int aa = qualitysettings.antialiasing == 0 ? 1 : qualitysettings.antialiasing;         var format = hdr ? rendertextureformat.argbhalf : rendertextureformat.argb32;          if (_scenetexture != null)         {             if (_scenetexture.width != w || _scenetexture.height != h || _scenetexture.antialiasing != aa || _scenetexture.format != format)             {                 debug.log(string.format("recreating scene texture.. old: {0}x{1} msaa={2} [{3}] new: {4}x{5} msaa={6} [{7}]",                     _scenetexture.width, _scenetexture.height, _scenetexture.antialiasing, _scenetexture.format, w, h, aa, format));                 object.destroy(_scenetexture);                 _scenetexture = null;             }         }          if (_scenetexture == null)         {             _scenetexture = new rendertexture(w, h, 0, format);             _scenetexture.antialiasing = aa;  #if (unity_5_3 || unity_5_2 || unity_5_1 || unity_5_0)             // openvr assumes floating point render targets linear unless otherwise specified.             var colorspace = (hdr && qualitysettings.activecolorspace == colorspace.gamma) ? ecolorspace.gamma : ecolorspace.auto;             steamvr.unity.setcolorspace(colorspace); #endif         }          return _scenetexture;     }      #endregion      #region enable / disable      void ondisable()     {         steamvr_render.remove(this);     }      void onenable()     { #if !(unity_5_3 || unity_5_2 || unity_5_1 || unity_5_0)         // convert camera rig native openvr integration.         var t = transform;         if (head != t)         {             expand();              t.parent = origin;              while (head.childcount > 0)                 head.getchild(0).parent = t;             destroyimmediate(head.gameobject);             _head = t;         }          if (flip != null)         {             destroyimmediate(flip);             flip = null;         }          if (!steamvr.usingnativesupport)         {             enabled = false;             return;         } #else         // bail if no hmd connected         var vr = steamvr.instance;         if (vr == null)         {             if (head != null)             {                 head.getcomponent<steamvr_gameview>().enabled = false;                 head.getcomponent<steamvr_trackedobject>().enabled = false;             }              if (flip != null)                 flip.enabled = false;              enabled = false;             return;         }          // ensure rig set         expand();          if (blitmaterial == null)         {             blitmaterial = new material(shader.find("custom/steamvr_blit"));         }          // set remaining hmd specific settings         var camera = getcomponent<camera>();         camera.fieldofview = vr.fieldofview;         camera.aspect = vr.aspect;         camera.eventmask = 0;           // disable mouse events         camera.orthographic = false;    // force perspective         camera.enabled = false;         // manually rendered steamvr_render          if (camera.actualrenderingpath != renderingpath.forward && qualitysettings.antialiasing > 1)         {             debug.logwarning("msaa supported in forward rendering path. (disabling msaa)");             qualitysettings.antialiasing = 0;         }          // ensure game view camera hdr setting matches         var headcam = head.getcomponent<camera>();         if (headcam != null)         {             headcam.hdr = camera.hdr;             headcam.renderingpath = camera.renderingpath;         } #endif         ears.getcomponent<steamvr_ears>().vrcam = this;         steamvr_render.add(this);     }      #endregion      #region functionality ensure steamvr_camera component last component on object      void awake() { forcelast(); }      static hashtable values;      public void forcelast()     {         if (values != null)         {             // restore values on new instance             foreach (dictionaryentry entry in values)             {                 var f = entry.key fieldinfo;                 f.setvalue(this, entry.value);             }             values = null;         }         else         {             // make sure it's last component             var components = getcomponents<component>();              // first make sure there aren't other steamvr_cameras on object.             (int = 0; < components.length; i++)             {                 var c = components[i] steamvr_camera;                 if (c != null && c != this)                 {                     if (c.flip != null)                         destroyimmediate(c.flip);                     destroyimmediate(c);                 }             }              components = getcomponents<component>();  #if !(unity_5_3 || unity_5_2 || unity_5_1 || unity_5_0)             if (this != components[components.length - 1])             { #else             if (this != components[components.length - 1] || flip == null)             {                 if (flip == null)                     flip = gameobject.addcomponent<steamvr_cameraflip>(); #endif                 // store off values restored on new instance                 values = new hashtable();                 var fields = gettype().getfields(bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.nonpublic | bindingflags.public);                 foreach (var f in fields)                     if (f.ispublic || f.isdefined(typeof(serializefield), true))                         values[f] = f.getvalue(this);                  var go = gameobject;                 destroyimmediate(this);                 go.addcomponent<steamvr_camera>().forcelast();             }         }     }      #endregion      #region expand / collapse object hierarchy  #if unity_editor     public bool isexpanded { { return head != null && transform.parent == head; } } #endif     const string eyesuffix = " (eye)";     const string earssuffix = " (ears)";     const string headsuffix = " (head)";     const string originsuffix = " (origin)";     public string basename { { return name.endswith(eyesuffix) ? name.substring(0, name.length - eyesuffix.length) : name; } }      // object hierarchy creation make easy parent other objects appropriately,     // otherwise gets called on demand @ runtime. remaining initialization     // performed @ startup, once hmd has been identified.     public void expand()     {         var _origin = transform.parent;         if (_origin == null)         {             _origin = new gameobject(name + originsuffix).transform;             _origin.localposition = transform.localposition;             _origin.localrotation = transform.localrotation;             _origin.localscale = transform.localscale;         }          if (head == null)         {             _head = new gameobject(name + headsuffix, typeof(steamvr_gameview), typeof(steamvr_trackedobject)).transform;             head.parent = _origin;             head.position = transform.position;             head.rotation = transform.rotation;             head.localscale = vector3.one;             head.tag = tag;              var camera = head.getcomponent<camera>();             camera.clearflags = cameraclearflags.nothing;             camera.cullingmask = 0;             camera.eventmask = 0;             camera.orthographic = true;             camera.orthographicsize = 1;             camera.nearclipplane = 0;             camera.farclipplane = 1;             camera.useocclusionculling = false;         }          if (transform.parent != head)         {             transform.parent = head;             transform.localposition = vector3.zero;             transform.localrotation = quaternion.identity;             transform.localscale = vector3.one;              while (transform.childcount > 0)                 transform.getchild(0).parent = head;              var guilayer = getcomponent<guilayer>();             if (guilayer != null)             {                 destroyimmediate(guilayer);                 head.gameobject.addcomponent<guilayer>();             }              var audiolistener = getcomponent<audiolistener>();             if (audiolistener != null)             {                 destroyimmediate(audiolistener);                 _ears = new gameobject(name + earssuffix, typeof(steamvr_ears)).transform;                 ears.parent = _head;                 ears.localposition = vector3.zero;                 ears.localrotation = quaternion.identity;                 ears.localscale = vector3.one;             }         }          if (!name.endswith(eyesuffix))             name += eyesuffix;     }      public void collapse()     {         transform.parent = null;          // move children , components head camera.         while (head.childcount > 0)             head.getchild(0).parent = transform;          var guilayer = head.getcomponent<guilayer>();         if (guilayer != null)         {             destroyimmediate(guilayer);             gameobject.addcomponent<guilayer>();         }          if (ears != null)         {             while (ears.childcount > 0)                 ears.getchild(0).parent = transform;              destroyimmediate(ears.gameobject);             _ears = null;              gameobject.addcomponent(typeof(audiolistener));         }          if (origin != null)         {             // if created origin originally, destroy now.             if (origin.name.endswith(originsuffix))             {                 // reparent children don't accidentally delete them.                 var _origin = origin;                 while (_origin.childcount > 0)                     _origin.getchild(0).parent = _origin.parent;                  destroyimmediate(_origin.gameobject);             }             else             {                 transform.parent = origin;             }         }          destroyimmediate(head.gameobject);         _head = null;          if (name.endswith(eyesuffix))             name = name.substring(0, name.length - eyesuffix.length);     }      #endregion  #if (unity_5_3 || unity_5_2 || unity_5_1 || unity_5_0)      #region render callbacks      void onprerender()     {         if (flip)             flip.enabled = (steamvr_render.top() == && steamvr.instance.graphicsapi == egraphicsapiconvention.api_directx);          var headcam = head.getcomponent<camera>();         if (headcam != null)             headcam.enabled = (steamvr_render.top() == this);          if (wireframe)             gl.wireframe = true;     }      void onpostrender()     {         if (wireframe)             gl.wireframe = false;     }      void onrenderimage(rendertexture src, rendertexture dest)     {         if (steamvr_render.top() == this)         {             int eventid;             if (steamvr_render.eye == evreye.eye_left)             {                 // gpu started on work avoid bubbles @ top of frame.                 steamvr_utils.queueeventonrenderthread(steamvr.unity.k_nrendereventid_flush);                  eventid = steamvr.unity.k_nrendereventid_submitl;             }             else             {                 eventid = steamvr.unity.k_nrendereventid_submitr;             }              // queue call on render thread submit our render target compositor.             steamvr_utils.queueeventonrenderthread(eventid);         }          graphics.setrendertarget(dest);         steamvr_camera.blitmaterial.maintexture = src;          gl.pushmatrix();         gl.loadortho();         steamvr_camera.blitmaterial.setpass(0);         gl.begin(gl.quads);         gl.texcoord2(0.0f, 0.0f); gl.vertex3(-1,  1, 0);         gl.texcoord2(1.0f, 0.0f); gl.vertex3( 1,  1, 0);         gl.texcoord2(1.0f, 1.0f); gl.vertex3( 1, -1, 0);         gl.texcoord2(0.0f, 1.0f); gl.vertex3(-1, -1, 0);         gl.end();         gl.popmatrix();          graphics.setrendertarget(null);     }      #endregion  #endif } 

how fix this? thank you.

the type wrong. needs vector3.

private vector3 hmdlocalpos;  void start() {     hdmlocalpos = steamvr_camera.head.localposition; } 

replace hdmlocalpos property reference steamvr_camera , access it's properties this:

public steamvr_camera steamcam;    // popuplate via inspector or find() (or similar)  void start() {     // access     steamcam.head.localposition = } 

i think want (to change head.localposition of camera).


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