Request never executes in node.js -
i'm struggling senseless problem: made request in node.js never executes. tried writing in every way, tried other api tools postman work , give me code use nothing work. console doesn't log anything, no errors, no responses, nothing.
this (one of thousands versions made of):
var options = { method: 'post', url: '', headers: { 'cache-control': 'no-cache', authorization: 'basic secret-code-auth-string' }, body: '{"merchant":"bno7g*q58ojqljtg25wntgyn","executor":"bno7g*q58ojqljtg25wntgyn","destination":"vrxou2hy~7ipqh*kcwtizito","recipients":["xbfxqmyvioxt3ufctq4tsbh3"],"pickuptask":"false","notes":"mega informazioni per chi consegna, lista prodotti e indirizzo di consegna","autoassign":{"mode":"load","team":"hvnbkgabb*hj9uvxi6ndoz6f"}}' }; console.log(options); request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (error) throw new error(error); console.log(body); });
everything simple - use request 20 times in rest of code i'm going crazy! thank you
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