javascript: undefined variable -
my variable 'todolist' showing undefined. new javascript , programming in general. appreciated!
var todolist = { todos:[], displaytodos: function() { if (this.todos.length === 0) { console.log ('your todos list empty!'); } else { console.log('my todos:'); (var = 0; < this.todos.length; i++) { if (this.todos[i].completed === true) { console.log ('(x)', this.todos[i].todotext); } else { console.log('( )', this.todos[i].todotext); } } } }, addtodo: function(todotext) { this.todos.push({ todotext: todotext, completed: false }); this.displaytodos(); }, changetodo: function(position, todotext) { this.todos[position].todotext = todotext; this.displaytodos(); }, deletetodo: function(position) { this.todos.splice(position, 1); this.displaytodos(); }, togglecompleted: function(position) { var todo = this.todos[position]; todo.completed = !todo.completed; this.displaytodos(); }, toggleall: function() { var totaltodos = this.todos.length; var completedtodos = 0; (var = 0; < totaltodos; i++) { if(this.todos[i].completed === true) { completedtodos++; } } if (completedtodos === totaltodos) { for(var =0; < totaltodos; i++) { this.todos[i].completed === false; } } this.displaytodos; } };
javascript returns something. if copy/paste code chrome console , run it, tells me returned result of running code undefined. that's okay, since you're setting object , have no intention of using return value.
after this, object has been created , typing chrome console tells variable todolist
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