assembly - I'm trying to make an array and sort it with a sentinel value which is 0 but it's not working it's giving me an error -

i want prompt user input want take input , put array. want print out array. know can print them out without putting them in array practice.

 .data     array:  .space 40     prompt: .asciiz "enter integer (0 quit) :"     text:   .asciiz "after sorting, list of integers is:"        .text        .globl main     main:          la $a1, array         read_numbers:         li $v0, 4         la $a0, prompt         syscall          li $v0, 5         syscall          sw $v0, 0($a1)         addiu $a1, $a1, 4          beqz $v0, sort         j read_numbers      sort:         la $a1, $array          li $v0, 4         la $a0, text         syscall      loop:          lw $t0, 0($a1)         addiu $a1, $a1, 4          beqz $t0, done          li $v0, 1         move $a0, $t0         syscall          j loop      done: 

the error i'm having is: instruction references undefined symbol @ 0x00400050 [0x00400050] 0x3c010000 lui $1, 0 [$array] ;24: la $a1, $array


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