python - Use a field as key and it must be unique for each record to use it to browse the table (Openerp) -

please in view form wish use field key , must unique each record use browse table in other views , how it

    class saisirsoum(osv.osv):         _name='saisir.soum'           _columns = {         'numoffre' : fields.char('n° offre'), # defined key !!         'organisme_s' : fields.char('organisme'),         'des_offre' : fields.char('designation'),         'order_line' :fields.one2many('saisir.soumission.ligne','order_id','soumission_id'),         'observation_d' : fields.text('observation'),     } 

in case you'll make numoffre unique setting _sql_constraints variable. can define custom message shown when user tries add duplicate entry.

class saisirsoum(osv.osv):      _name='saisir.soum'      _sql_constraints = [     ('numoffre', 'unique(numoffre)', 'numoffre exists'),     ]      _columns = {     'numoffre' : fields.char('n° offre'), # defined key !!     'organisme_s' : fields.char('organisme'),     'des_offre' : fields.char('designation'),     'order_line' :fields.one2many('saisir.soumission.ligne','order_id','soumission_id'),     'observation_d' : fields.text('observation'),     }       def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=none): # when record created         numoffre = vals.get('numoffre') #get numoffre form         if numoffre:             pass # can e.g searching          return super(saisirsoum, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context) # call create method super class , create record after you're done 

you can override other crud methods write , unlink in same manner


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