.net - Injecting c++ dll into an exe using c# -
why c# code didn't inject dll exe program show me message box "injected!" ? .dll self coded c++ , , exe coded c++ , i'm trying inject c# code, how not working ? injector method
[dllimport("kernel32")] public static extern intptr createremotethread( intptr hprocess, intptr lpthreadattributes, uint dwstacksize, uintptr lpstartaddress, // raw pointer remote process intptr lpparameter, uint dwcreationflags, out intptr lpthreadid ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern intptr openprocess( uint32 dwdesiredaccess, int32 binherithandle, int32 dwprocessid ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern int32 closehandle( intptr hobject ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll", setlasterror = true, exactspelling = true)] static extern bool virtualfreeex( intptr hprocess, intptr lpaddress, uintptr dwsize, uint dwfreetype ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll", charset = charset.ansi, exactspelling = true)] public static extern uintptr getprocaddress( intptr hmodule, string procname ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll", setlasterror = true, exactspelling = true)] static extern intptr virtualallocex( intptr hprocess, intptr lpaddress, uint dwsize, uint flallocationtype, uint flprotect ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] static extern bool writeprocessmemory( intptr hprocess, intptr lpbaseaddress, string lpbuffer, uintptr nsize, out intptr lpnumberofbyteswritten ); [dllimport("kernel32.dll", charset = charset.auto)] public static extern intptr getmodulehandle( string lpmodulename ); [dllimport("kernel32", setlasterror = true, exactspelling = true)] internal static extern int32 waitforsingleobject( intptr handle, int32 milliseconds ); public int32 getprocessid(string proc) { process[] proclist; proclist = process.getprocessesbyname(proc); return proclist[0].id; } public void injectdll(intptr hprocess, string strdllname) { intptr bytesout; // length of string containing dll file name +1 byte padding int32 lenwrite = strdllname.length + 1; // allocate memory within virtual address space of target process intptr allocmem = (intptr)virtualallocex(hprocess, (intptr)null, (uint)lenwrite, 0x1000, 0x40); //allocation pour writeprocessmemory // write dll file name allocated memory in target process writeprocessmemory(hprocess, allocmem, strdllname, (uintptr)lenwrite, out bytesout); // function pointer "injector" uintptr injector = (uintptr)getprocaddress(getmodulehandle("kernel32.dll"), "loadlibrarya"); if (injector == null) { messagebox.show(" injector error! \n "); // return failed return; } // create thread in target process, , store handle in hthread intptr hthread = (intptr)createremotethread(hprocess, (intptr)null, 0, injector, allocmem, 0, out bytesout); // make sure thread handle valid if (hthread == null) { //incorrect thread handle ... return failed messagebox.show(" hthread [ 1 ] error! \n "); return; } // time-out 10 seconds... int result = waitforsingleobject(hthread, 10 * 1000); // check whether thread timed out... if (result == 0x00000080l || result == 0x00000102l || result == 0xffffffff) { /* thread timed out... */ messagebox.show(" hthread [ 2 ] error! \n "); // make sure thread handle valid before closing... prevents crashes. if (hthread != null) { //close thread in target process closehandle(hthread); } return; } // sleep thread 1 second thread.sleep(1000); // clear allocated space ( allocmem ) virtualfreeex(hprocess, allocmem, (uintptr)0, 0x8000); // make sure thread handle valid before closing... prevents crashes. if (hthread != null) { //close thread in target process closehandle(hthread); } // return succeeded return; }
and try running program , inject dll
private void metrobutton2_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string strdllname = @"spd.dll"; string strprocessname = "app"; system.diagnostics.process.start("app.exe", "!#@$$$!"); int32 procid = getprocessid(strprocessname); if (procid >= 0) { intptr hprocess = (intptr)openprocess(0x1f0fff, 1, procid); if (hprocess == null) { messagebox.show("openprocess() failed!"); return; } else { injectdll(hprocess, strdllname); messagebox.show("injected!"); } } }
it show me output : "injected!" on .exe .dll not injected should ? giving more thread.sleep before inject / after running .exe ? appreciated!
take note c++
(0) not same c#
's null
. equivalent looking intptr.zero
take getprocaddress
function example :
return value
if function succeeds, return value address of exported function or variable.
if function fails, return value null. extended error information, call getlasterror.
source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683212(v=vs.85).aspx
this null
here c++ macro defined :
#define null 0
not equal intptr.zero
, (intptr)null
equal intptr.zero
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