Error when creating a Deposit in Quickbooks via Quickbooks-ruby Gem -

i'm trying create deposit in quickbooks, here's code

deposit = = amount  line_item = line_item.amount = amount  deposit.deposit_to_account_ref = {:value => 40, :name => "checking"} deposit.line_items = deposit.line_items << line_item  result = service.create(deposit) 

i have used similar code create payment , works until add line items

the error i'm getting:

system failure error: java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: index: 0, size: 0"

usually cause of error when you're trying insert object array doesn't exist.

in code deposit.rb

xml_accessor :line_items, :from => 'line', :as => [depositlineitem] 

what doing wrong here? help

figured out. line item requires depositdetailitem spcified within it. unless that's specified, qb sees line items blank, hence out of index error.


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