ios - Swift - Crashing With Reachability -
i call method testreachability() when uibutton pressed check internet connection before completes action. using ashley mill's reachability class.
on line 24 call completed() if app can reach network complete closure , continue on rest of action. app becomes glitchy , error displays in debug console:
"this application modifying autolayout engine background thread, can lead engine corruption , weird crashes. cause exception in future release.”
and if call completed() on lets say, line 26, app runs flawlessly, quick , smooth until lose internet connection/enter airplane mode. app crashes instantly , xcode loses connection device on tap of button.
my question can resolve crashing of application when checking reachability.
func testreachability(completed: downloadcomplete) { let reachability: reachability { reachability = try reachability.reachabilityforinternetconnection() } catch { return } reachability.whenreachable = { reachability in // called on background thread, ui updates must // on main thread, this: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { if reachability.isreachableviawifi() { print("reachable via wifi") } else { print("reachable via cellular") } } completed() } reachability.whenunreachable = { reachability in // called on background thread, ui updates must // on main thread, this: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { self.presentreachabilityalertcontroller() } } { try reachability.startnotifier() } catch { } } func presentreachabilityalertcontroller() { let alert = uialertcontroller( title: "network connection lost", message:"try again", preferredstyle: .alert) alert.addaction(uialertaction( title: "ok" , style: .default) { _ in } ) presentviewcontroller ( alert, animated: true ) { } connected = false }
it sounds call complete needs execute on main thread. when inside dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue())
. try putting call complete inside dispatch_async follows:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { if reachability.isreachableviawifi() { print("reachable via wifi") } else { print("reachable via cellular") } complete() }
if doesn't fix scenario when in airplane mode/offline think going need more code figure out. if show how/when function called, complete callbacks, , maybe presentreachabilityalertcontroller
function helpful.
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