Data validation - Drop down list with no duplicates in excel -
could please assist me removing duplicates in drop down list. list not static. example:
james peter james nick peter
james peter nick
i not sure formula use data validation formula box.
i had attempted below, no success:
step 1 - original names in column a, put array formula¹ somewhere off right in second row. i'll use z2.
=iferror(index(a$2:index(a:a, match("zzz",a:a )), match(0, countif(z$1:z1, a$2:index(a:a, match("zzz",a:a ))&""), 0)), "")
fill down until run out of names , few more rows allow future expansion.
step 2 - go formulas ► defined names ► name manager , create new name.
name: listnames scope: workbook refers to: =sheet2!$z$2:index(sheet2!$z:$z, match("zzz", if(len(sheet2!x:x), sheet2!$z1:$z98) ))
step 3 - go cell want data validation , use data ► data tools ► data validation.
allow: list source: listnames
¹ array formulas need finalized ctrl+shift+enter↵. if entered correctly, excel wrap formula in braces (e.g. { , }). not type braces in yourself. once entered first cell correctly, can filled or copied down or right other formula. try , reduce full-column references ranges more closely representing extents of actual data. array formulas chew calculation cycles logarithmically practise narrow referenced ranges minimum. see guidelines , examples of array formulas more information.
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