angular - Routing doesn't work for me when doing a hard refresh -
i looking @ source code:
and seems application route right when go root.
the routing updates move around application, seems if @ something: localhost:8080/dashboard
in basecase, , hard refresh, fails. give me 404 not found!
it work find if do: localhost:8080/#!/dashboard
not address passed application.
in index.html have: <base href="/">
my app_component.dart file follows:
import 'package:angular2/angular2.dart'; import 'package:angular2/router.dart'; import 'hero_component.dart'; import 'heroes_component.dart'; import 'dashboard_component.dart'; import 'hero_service.dart'; @component( selector: "my-app", directives: const [router_directives], providers: const [heroservice, router_providers], templateurl: "app_component.html") @routeconfig(const [ const route( path: "/dashboard", name: "dashboard", component: dashboardcomponent, useasdefault: true), const route( path: "/detail/:id", name: "herodetail", component: herodetailcomponent), const route(path: "/heroes", name: "heroes", component: heroescomponent) ]) class appcomponent { string title = "tour of heroes"; }
it seems have routing working except this.
my desired end state doing: localhost:8080/detail/14 , open correct component. isnt done on fresh site reference as when navigating throughout application.
to switch hashlocationstrategy
change providers to
bootstrap(appcomponent, [ heroservice, router_providers, provide(locationstrategy, useclass: hashlocationstrategy) ])
if want use pathlocationstrategy
can use pub serve
-wrapper allows use pathlocationstrategy
pub serve
for deployment need configure webserver use there support html5 pushstate.
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