python - Trying to cycle through jobs with a button press -

please forgive beginner question. heard word python 2 weeks ago.

i trying write python 2.7 script has 2 jobs run in , pm. reminder program reminds me every day @ 9am , 9pm. reminds me hourly after that. want try , figure out way gpio button press stop current job, allow next scheduled job occur. idea these 2 jobs run every day, button press says, "stop job , wait next scheduled job". once reminder has "reminded me", button press stops nagging.

here basic code i've started writing:

#!/usr/bin/python   import schedule   import time   import rpi.gpio gpio   gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm)    # gpio 23 set input. pulled stop false signals   gpio.setup(23,, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up)    def am_job():       print 'this job'    def pm_job():       print 'this pm job'    schedule.every()"9:00").do(am_job) schedule.every()"10:00").do(am_job) schedule.every()"11:00").do(am_job) schedule.every()"12:00").do(am_job) schedule.every()"13:00").do(am_job)  schedule.every()"21:00").do(pm_job) schedule.every()"22:00").do(pm_job) schedule.every()"23:00").do(pm_job)   # need figure out way button press cancels current job # allows next job continue. # on , on each , pm gpio.add_event_detect(23, gpio.falling, callback="some job name here", bouncetime=400)  try:    while true: # cycles through jobs        schedule.run_pending()        time.sleep(1)  except keyboardinterrupt:   gpio.cleanup() 

thank , help!

i decided above question not going work. instead, made 2 different python scripts (am , pm). scheduled each cron. in each script, programmed button press interrupt exited script. works great


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