multithreading - How to execute multiple django celery tasks with a single worker? -

here celery file:

from __future__ import absolute_import import os celery import celery   # set default django settings module 'celery' program. os.environ.setdefault('django_settings_module', 'ets.settings')  django.conf import settings  # noqa  app = celery('proj',               broker='redis://myredishost:6379/0',              backend='redis://myredishost:6379/0',              include=['tracking.tasks'])  # optional configuration, see application user guide. app.conf.update(     celery_task_result_expires=3600, )  if __name__ == '__main__':     app.start() 

here task file:

@app.task def escalate_to_sup(id, group):     escalation_email, created = escalationemail.objects.get_or_create()     escalation_email.send()      return 'sup email sent to: '+str(group)   @app.task def escalate_to_fm(id, group):     escalation_email, created = escalationemail.objects.get_or_create()     escalation_email.send()      return 'fm email sent to: '+str(group) 

i start worker this:

celery -a ets worker -l info 

i have tried add concurrency this:

celery -a ets worker -l info --concurrency=10 

i attempt call tasks above following:

from tracking.tasks import escalate_to_fm, escalate_to_sup

def status_change(equipment):         r1 = escalate_to_sup.apply_async((, [1,2]), countdown=10)         r2 = escalate_to_fm.apply_async((, [3,4]), countdown=20)          print         print 

this prints:

c2098768-61fb-41a7-80a2-f79a73570966 23959fa3-7f80-4e20-a42f-eef75e9bedeb

the escalate_to_sup , escalate_fm functions log worker intermittently. @ least 1 executes, never both.

i have tried spinning more workers, , both tasks execute. like:

celery -a ets worker -l info --concurrency=10 -n worker1.%h celery -a ets worker -l info --concurrency=10 -n worker2.%h 

the problem don't know how many of tasks might execute concurrently spinning worker every possible tasks execute not feasible.

does celery expect work every active task?

how execute multiple tasks single worker?


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