sql server - How can I include a Temp Table in a SQL Function -
i have sql server 2014 server linked oracle server. want use temp table in function return dataset oracle database , use function return results using regular t-sql. since rather new close getting error message
msg 156, level 15, state 1, procedure getbond, line 37
incorrect syntax near keyword 'begin'.
i have posted function code here:
set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go alter function [dbo].[getbond] (@warcontrolid bigint) returns varchar(max) begin --create temp table declare @tsql varchar(max) declare @warrantbail table ( wr_invl varchar(5), wr_warr_ctl varchar(10), wr_bail varchar(50), wc_bail varchar(50) ) select @tsql = 'select * openquery(rmsprod2,''select tiburon.wrmast.wr_invl, tiburon.wrmast.wr_warr_ctl,tiburon.wrmast.wr_bail,tiburon.wrwchg.wc_bail tiburon.wrmast left join tiburon.wrwchg on wrwchg.wc_wr_chain = wrmast.wrmast_row tiburon.wrmast.wr_warr_ctl = ''''' + @warcontrolid + ''''''')' insert @warrantbail exec (@tsql) end begin -- create variable declare @nobailcount int declare @chgcount int declare @wartotalbond float declare @chgtotalbond float declare @war_final_bail varchar(max) select count(distinct w.wr_bail) nobond_count @warrantbail w w.wc_bail in ('no bond', 'no bail','none') or w.wr_bail in ('no bond', 'no bail','none') --***********get charge count select count(w.wc_bail) chgcount @warrantbail w --******************if above fails have bond check warrant bond amount select sum (distinct cast(w.wr_bail int)) war_bond_total @warrantbail w w.wr_bail not in ('no bond', 'no bail','none') --****************we may have additional charges total charges select sum (cast(w.wc_bail int)) chg_bondtotal @warrantbail w w.wc_bail not in ('no bond', 'no bail','none') if (@nobailcount > 0) begin set @war_final_bail = 'no bail' end else if @chgcount > 0 begin set @war_final_bail = @wartotalbond + @chgtotalbond end else begin set @war_final_bail = @wartotalbond end return convert(varchar(max), @war_final_bail) end
in addition error when execute code seeing squiggly line under line "alter function [dbo].[getbond]
that error states:
incorrect syntax: 'alter function' must statement in batch.
does error mean cannot create temp table in function?
why have end , begin here? think (one of) problem(s).
insert @warrantbail exec (@tsql) end begin -- create variable declare @nobailcount int
do absolutely have use dynamic sql? why not this...
insert @warrantbail select * openquery(rmsprod2, ' select tiburon.wrmast.wr_invl, tiburon.wrmast.wr_warr_ctl, tiburon.wrmast.wr_bail, tiburon.wrwchg.wc_bail tiburon.wrmast left join tiburon.wrwchg on wrwchg.wc_wr_chain = wrmast.wrmast_row tiburon.wrmast.wr_warr_ctl = ' + cast(@warcontrolid varchar(30)) + ')')
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