c++ - I am to create a simple Command Interpreter that allows user to input commands like in any command line, but error occurs after 2 arguments -

command line / output

enter command: mkdir 1 enter command: touch one/file one/other one/more error: bad address enter command: ^z 

c++ source code

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  int rs; int count = 0; pid_t pid;  char input[100]; char* temp; char* arg[6] = { (char*)0, (char*)0, (char*)0, (char*)0, (char*)0, (char*)0 };                //command    arg1      arg2      arg3      arg4      null      while(true){     cout << "enter command: ";     cin.getline(input, 100);   for( temp = strtok(input, " "); temp; temp = strtok(null, " ") )         {         arg[count++] = temp;             }         pid = fork();     if(pid == -1){     perror("error");     exit(exit_failure);     }     if(pid == 0){          /*child process*/         /*if(count < 2){              rs = execlp(arg[0],arg[0],arg[1],null);         cout << "arg[0]: " << arg[0] << "arg[1]: " << arg[1] << endl;         }         else if(count < 3){         rs = execlp(arg[0],arg[0],arg[1],arg[2],null);         cout << "arg[0]: " << arg[0] << "arg[1]: " << arg[1]              << "arg[2]: " << arg[2] << endl;         }         else if(count < 4){         rs = execlp(arg[0],arg[0],arg[1],arg[2],arg[3],null);         cout << "arg[0]: " << arg[0] << "arg[1]: " << arg[1]              << "arg[2]: " << arg[2] << "arg[3]: " << arg[3] << endl;         }         else if(count < 5){         rs = execlp(arg[0],arg[0],arg[1],arg[2],arg[3],arg[4],null);         cout << "arg[0]: " << arg[0] << "arg[1]: " << arg[1]              << "arg[2]: " << arg[2] << "arg[3]: " << arg[3]              << "arg[4]: " << arg[4] << endl;         }*/         rs = execvp(arg[0],arg);          if(rs == -1){         perror("error");         exit(exit_failure);         }        }      else{         /*parent process*/     wait(null);              }       }//end-while      }//end program 

you can see commented if-else statements trying different route, did not @ all.i assume problem using execvp not understand why. appreciate feedback.


you need reset count 0 after executing each command.


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