android - Recyclerview only load Image when itemview is shown -
i load images in itemviews of recyclerview if itemview shown. tried in adapter far:
if (holder.itemview.isshown()) { log.e("shown", "yes " + position); } if (holder.itemview.isfocused()) { log.e("focused", "yes " + position); } if (holder.itemview.hasfocus()) { log.e("hasfocus", "yes " + position); }
and tried in fragment add onscrolllistener recylcerview:
recyclerviewsearchgif.addonscrolllistener(new recyclerview.onscrolllistener() { @override public void onscrolled(recyclerview recyclerview, int dx, int dy) { super.onscrolled(recyclerview, dx, dy); } @override public void onscrollstatechanged(recyclerview recyclerview, int newstate) { super.onscrollstatechanged(recyclerview, newstate); } });
but don't know how use case. sum up, detect current visible item in recyclerview while user scrolled in it.
when load images, mean load images network?
you should load/bind appropriate images in recyclerview.adapter#onbindviewholder
in recyclerview's adapter, that's callback when item shown on screen.
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