Web Audio Api biquadFilter in Android needs extra configuration? -

here says web audio api works in chrome android, , here have tested cm browser, chrome , cyanogenmod default android 5.1.1 browsers, , pass tests (specially biquadnode one).

but when open this codepen eq (biquadnode), can hear music not eq working.

does biquadnode works in android? special implementation needed?

*code pen required post

    var context = new audiocontext(); var mediaelement = document.getelementbyid('player'); var sourcenode = context.createmediaelementsource(mediaelement);  // eq properties // var gaindb = -40.0; var bandsplit = [360,3600];  var hband = context.createbiquadfilter(); hband.type = "lowshelf"; hband.frequency.value = bandsplit[0]; hband.gain.value = gaindb;  var hinvert = context.creategain(); hinvert.gain.value = -1.0;  var mband = context.creategain();  var lband = context.createbiquadfilter(); lband.type = "highshelf"; lband.frequency.value = bandsplit[1]; lband.gain.value = gaindb;  var linvert = context.creategain(); linvert.gain.value = -1.0;  sourcenode.connect(lband); sourcenode.connect(mband); sourcenode.connect(hband);  hband.connect(hinvert); lband.connect(linvert);  hinvert.connect(mband); linvert.connect(mband);  var lgain = context.creategain(); var mgain = context.creategain(); var hgain = context.creategain();  lband.connect(lgain); mband.connect(mgain); hband.connect(hgain);  var sum = context.creategain(); lgain.connect(sum); mgain.connect(sum); hgain.connect(sum); sum.connect(context.destination);  // input // function changegain(string,type) {   var value = parsefloat(string) / 100.0;    switch(type)   {     case 'lowgain': lgain.gain.value = value; break;     case 'midgain': mgain.gain.value = value; break;     case 'highgain': hgain.gain.value = value; break;   } } 

createmediaelementsource in chrome on android doesn't work in general. if have recent build of chrome (49 , later?), can go chrome://flags , enable unified media pipeline option. make createmediaelementsource work on desktop.


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